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Minerva Dent Oral Sci.2024 Feb;73(1):20-26.


Ozone treatment combined with sodium fluoride for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity: an exploratory study.

PMID: 37943289




BACKGROUND: Dentin hypersensitivity is one of the most common complains faced by dental professionals, and there is still lack of consensus for the most effective treatment approaches. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of ozone therapy combined with sodium fluoride in reducing pain associated with dental hypersensitivity, compared to a paint-on adhesive desensitizing agent.


本研究では、特定の組み入れ基準に従って選択された20名の患者(131歯)を対象とし、減感作療法の種類(フッ化ナトリウムを併用したオゾン療法または塗布型接着剤)によって2群に分けた。両治療法の有効性は、治療直後、1ヵ月後、6ヵ月後の各治療歯の痛みをNumeric Rating Scale(NRS)を用いて記録して評価した。主観的パラメータも記録された:患者は空気、歯磨き、冷たい、熱い局所刺激による痛みを経験したかどうか(有無)を報告するよう求められた。

METHODS: The study included 20 patients (131 teeth), selected according to specific inclusion criteria and divided into two groups according to the type of desensitizing therapy (ozone with sodium fluoride or paint-on adhesive). The efficacy of both treatments were evaluated recording pain for each treated tooth immediately after treatment, after 1 month and after 6 months using a Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Subjective parameters were also recorded: patients were asked to report whether they experienced pain caused by air, teeth brushing, cold and hot topical stimuli (present/absent).



RESULTS: In both groups, pain values significantly decreased over time. Six months after treatment we registered significantly lower pain values in the ozone-treated group compared with the adhesive group and the mean percentage of NRS reduction from was significantly higher in the ozone-treated group. We did not register significant differences in subjective pain-related parameters between groups.



CONCLUSIONS: The results of this exploratory study were aimed at exploring the combined effect of ozone with natrium fluoride, which was before described only in vitro. With the limitation of the sample size, our results suggest that this approach provides a pain reduction that was comparable to the paint-on adhesive.