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BMC Oral Health.2023 Nov;23(1):850.


Comparative analysis of periodontal pain and quality of life in patients with fixed multibracket appliances and aligners (Invisalign®): longitudinal clinical study.

PMID: 37951878




BACKGROUNDS: The aim of this longitudinal clinical study is to analyse and compare according to location, degree and type, the pain presented by patients during their first year of treatment, as well as the quality of oral life after the placement of two types of orthodontic appliances: conventional brackets and removable Invisalign ® aligners.


サンプルは140人の患者を70人ずつの2つの研究グループに分けた。第1群(ブラケット群- BG)は、MBTテクニックと0.022インチスロットを使用した固定式マルチブラケット装置を使用した。第二のグループ(インビザライン・グループ- IG)は、インビザライン®システムを使用し、取り外し可能なアライナー(IG)による治療を行った。彼らには、治療開始後1年間、毎月、痛みの程度(軽度、中等度、強度)、種類、場所を記録する質問票が提供された。2つ目の用紙は、OHIP-14のスペイン語版で、治療開始から12ヶ月目に口腔QOLアンケートを実施した。

METHODS: The sample consisted of 140 patients grouped into 2 study groups of 70 patients each. The first group (brackets group- BG), with fixed multibracket appliances, using the MBT technique and a 0.022" slot. The second group (invisaling group- IG), in treatment with removable aligners (IG), using the Invisalign ® system. They were providen with a questionnare where they had to record the degree (mild, moderate or intense), the type and location of the pain monthly during the first year of treatment. The second form was the Spanish version of the OHIP-14, oral quality of life questionnaire, which was provided the twelfth month after the start of treatment.



RESULTS: In both groups, we found that the most frequent location of pain occurred during the first phase: mandibular for the IG group and maxillary in the BG group. Throughout the whole analysis, the intensity was mild-moderate with lower values in the conventional brackets' group. The BG group reported acute pain while the IG group reported sensitive pain during the first month; later both reported sensitive pain.



CONCLUSIONS: There are differences in terms of periodontal pain in its degree, location, and type according to the different orthodontic techniques used.



TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was approved by the bioethics committee of the University of Salamanca (USAL_20/516).