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J Clin Periodontol.2024 Feb;51(2):177-195.


Long-term stability of gingival margin and periodontal soft-tissue phenotype achieved after mucogingival therapy: A systematic review.

PMID: 37963451




BACKGROUND: The aim of this systematic review was two-fold: (i) to evaluate the long-term (≥5 years) stability of the gingival margin position, keratinized tissue width (KTW) and gingival thickness (GT) in sites that underwent root coverage (RC) or gingival augmentation (GA); and (ii) to assess the influence of different local variables on the long-term stability of dental and gingival tissues.


歯肉退縮欠損(GRDs)および/または(KTW)欠損(2mm未満)を呈する部位と定義される、単一または複数の粘膜歯肉変形を呈する成人患者の外科治療後の短期(すなわちベースライン外科治療後6~12ヵ月)および長期(5年以上)の追跡データを報告する無作為化対照試験(RCTs)および非RCTsを組み入れ対象とした。MEDLINE-PubMed、EMBASE、Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trialsのデータベースから、2023年5月15日までに発表された論文を検索した。混合効果重回帰を用いて、RC療法またはGA療法を受けた部位の歯肉縁の安定性に関するKTW、外科処置の種類および時間(すなわち独立変数)の関連を評価した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and non-RCTs reporting short-term (i.e., 6-12 months after baseline surgical intervention) and long-term (≥5 years) follow-up data after surgical treatment of adult patients presenting single or multiple mucogingival deformities, defined as sites presenting gingival recession defects (GRDs) and/or (KTW) deficiency (i.e., <2 mm), were considered eligible for inclusion. MEDLINE-PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases were searched for articles published up to 15 May 2023. Mixed-effects multiple linear regression was used to assess the association between KTW, type of surgical procedure and time (i.e., independent variables) on the stability of the gingival margin in sites that received RC or GA therapy.


対象となりうる2569件の記録のうち、41件(40件の研究報告)が適格基準を満たした。すべてのRC処置のデータを含むグラフによる推定では、時間の経過とともに後退深度(RD)が増加する傾向が認められた。逆に、RC研究の63.63%およびRC治療群の59.32%において、KTWは経時的に増加し、特に上皮下結合組織移植片(SCTG)を用いた部位で増加することが観察された。逆に、GA処置を受けた部位では、一般的に経時的にKTWが全体的に減少した。しかし、遊離歯肉移植(FGG)を行った部位では、10年間の追跡調査後にRDの減少が認められた。プール推定から得られた主な所見は以下の3つであった:(i)歯肉縁の安定性は、短期評価時に存在したKTWの量と関連していた(すなわち、治療後6~12ヵ月目のKTWが大きいほど、歯肉縁はより安定していた)。(ii)自家製の軟組織移植片の使用は、経時的な RD 増加の抑制と関連していた。(iii)FGGによって明確に示されるように、歯肉の表現型の三次元的な増強に寄与する治療アプローチは、歯肉縁の安定性と関連していた。

RESULTS: Of the 2569 potentially eligible records, 41 (reporting 40 studies) met the eligibility criteria. Graphical estimates including data from all RC procedures found an upward trend in recession depth (RD) increase over time. Conversely, it was observed that in 63.63% of RC studies and in 59.32% of RC treatment arms KTW increased over time, particularly in sites treated with subepithelial connective tissue grafts (SCTGs). Conversely, sites that underwent GA procedures generally exhibited an overall reduction of KTW over time. However, sites treated with free gingival grafts (FGGs) showed a decrease in RD after 10 years of follow-up. Three main findings derived from the pooled estimates were identified: (i) Gingival margin stability was associated with the amount of KTW present during short-term assessment (i.e. the greater the KTW at 6-12 months after treatment, the more stable the gingival margin). (ii) The use of autogenous soft-tissue grafts was associated with lower RD increase over time. (iii) Treatment approaches that contribute to the three-dimensional enhancement of the gingival phenotype, as clearly demonstrated by FGG, were associated with gingival margin stability.



CONCLUSIONS: The extent of apical migration of the gingival margin appears to be directly related to the amount of KTW and GT upon tissue maturation. Interventions involving the use of autogenous grafts, either SCTG or FGG, are associated with greater short-term KTW gain and lower RD increase over time.