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BMC Oral Health.2023 Nov;23(1):871.


Efficiency and complications in root canal retreatment using nickel titanium rotary file with continuous rotation, reciprocating, or adaptive motion in curved root canals: a laboratory investigation.

PMID: 37974131



回転ファイルの動きが根管治療の最良の結果に影響するかどうかは、現在のところ不明である。この実験的研究では、湾曲根管における根管充填物の除去において、連続回転、往復運動、および適応運動を使用したシングルユースのNiTiロータリーファイルの有効性、効率、および合併症を比較した。Reciproc blue R25は往復運動(RB)、VDW.ROTATE再治療ファイルは連続回転(VR)、ProTaper NEXT X2は連続回転(PTNc)または適応運動(PTNa)で使用した。

BACKGROUND: It is currently unknown whether rotary file motion affects the best outcome of root canal retreatment. This experimental study compared the efficacy, efficiency, and complications of single-use NiTi rotary files using continuous rotation, reciprocating, and adaptive motions in root canal filling removal in curved root canals. Reciproc blue R25 was used with reciprocating motion (RB), VDW.ROTATE retreatment files with continuous rotation (VR), and ProTaper NEXT X2 with continuous rotation (PTNc) or adaptive motion (PTNa).


曲率角20°~40°、曲率半径5~10mmの下顎第一大臼歯および第二大臼歯の中根管40本を採取した。この標本にインスツルメンテーションを行い、ガッタパーチャとAH Plusシーラーを用いて連続波コンデンセーションテクニックを用いてオブチュレーションを行った。検体は無作為にRB、VR、PTNc、PTNaの4つの再治療群(n=10)に分けられた。各群における根管充填物の除去率は,マイクロコンピューテッドトモグラフィー(μCT)を用いて分析した.モーター走行時間、総時間、根管合併症、インスツルメント合併症を記録し、統計的に分析した(p-value<0.05)。

METHODS: Forty mesial root canals of extracted mandibular first and second molars with an angle of curvature between 20°-40° and a radius of curvature between 5 and 10 mm were collected. The specimens were instrumented and obturated with gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer using the continuous wave of condensation technique. The specimens were randomly divided into 4 retreatment groups (n = 10), RB, VR, PTNc, and PTNa. The percentage of root canal filling removal in each group was analyzed using Micro-Computed Tomography (µCT). The motor running time, total time, root canal complication, and instrument complication were recorded and statistically analyzed (p-value < 0.05).



RESULTS: The pre-operative root canal curvature and root canal filling volume were comparable among groups. The percentage of root canal filling removal from the whole canal in the PTNc, RB, PTNa, and VR group was 98%, 96%, 95%, and 93%, respectively. A significant difference was observed between the PTNc and VR groups for the whole canal and the apical-third part. The motor running time and total time were significantly different between the groups. Instrument fracture was observed at 40% in the VR and 20% in the PTNa group, but none in the RB and PTNc groups.


プロテーパーNEXT X2の連続回転とRBファイルは、湾曲根管治療において高い有効性と効率で使用できる。NiTiロータリーファイルを使用する場合、連続回転は適応運動よりも有効かつ効率的である。シングルファイルによる再治療は、小さな根管でも高い有効性、費用対効果、および少ない時間消費で使用できます。

CONCLUSIONS: The ProTaper NEXT X2 with continuous rotation and RB files can be used with high efficacy and efficiency in curved root canal retreatment. Continuous rotation is more efficacious and efficient than adaptive motion when using the NiTi rotary file. Single file retreatment can be used in small canals with high efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and less time consumption.