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J Prosthet Dent.2023 Nov;


Noncarious cervical lesions: Response from a 25-year clinical follow-up study.

PMID: 38007292




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The etiology and diagnosis of noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) remain poorly understood.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this clinical study was to examine NCCL progression in an existing group of participants, establish the incidence of new NCCLs in a 25-year follow-up study, and relate them to possible risk factors, including occlusal factors.


この観察的後方視的研究では、生活習慣、食事、個人情報に関するアンケートに回答した33人の参加者を評価した。印象採得を行い、3つの期間(1996年の第I期、1999年の第II期、2021年の第III期)の模型をスキャンしてデジタル模型を得た。次に、NCCLと咬合摩耗のデジタル比較を確立するために、3次元解析ソフトウェアプログラム(Geomagic Control; 3D Systems)でギプスを評価した。さらに、第I相で収集した咬合分析装置(T-Scan; Tekscan)のデータを用いて、NCCLの進行に関連する咬合干渉を分析した。統計解析はノンパラメトリック検定を適用し、その後、二値ロジスティック回帰(α=.05)により、NCCLと咬合摩耗を含む危険因子との関連を評価した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-three participants who had completed a questionnaire about their habits, diet, and personal information were evaluated in this observational retrospective study. Impressions were made, and casts from 3 time periods (Phase I in 1996, Phase II in 1999, and Phase III in 2021) were scanned to obtain digital casts. The casts were then evaluated in a 3-dimensional analysis software program (Geomagic Control; 3D Systems) to establish digital comparisons between NCCLs and occlusal wear. Furthermore, data from an occlusal analysis device (T-Scan; Tekscan) collected in Phase I was used to analyze occlusal interferences relating to the progression of NCCLs. The statistical analysis applied nonparametric tests, followed by the assessment of the association between NCCLs and risk factors, including occlusal wear, through binary logistic regression (α=.05).


第III相終了時点で、第II相と比較して新たに7人のNCCLが検出された。参加者1人あたりのNCCLの進行率中央値は、第I相で0.0%、第II相で7.1%、第III相で35.7%であった(P<.005)。第I相における咬合摩耗は、第III相におけるNCCLの発生の5.02倍と関連し、第II相における咬合摩耗は、第III相におけるNCCLの発生の4.73倍と関連し、第III相における咬合摩耗は、第III相におけるNCCLの発生の1.94倍と関連した(P<.001)。下顎の境界運動における咬合干渉は、第III相でNCCLを呈する可能性が3.55倍高いことと関連していた(P<.001)。さらに、Phase IIIにおけるNCCLの統計的に有意な危険因子は、酸性食(P=.043)とアルコール摂取(P=.021)であった。

RESULTS: At the end of Phase III, 7 new individuals with NCCLs were detected compared with Phase II. The median percentage progression of NCCLs per participant was 0.0% in Phase I, 7.1% in Phase II, and 35.7% in Phase III (P<.005). Occlusal wear in Phase I was associated with 5.02 times the occurrence of NCCLs in Phase III; occlusal wear in Phase II was associated with 4.73 times the occurrence of NCCLs in Phase III; and occlusal wear in Phase III was associated with 1.94 times the occurrence of NCCLs in Phase III (P<.001). Occlusal interference in border movements of the mandible was associated with a 3.55 times greater chance of presenting NCCLs in Phase III (P<.001). Additionally, statistically significant risk factors for the presence of NCCLs in Phase III were an acidic diet (P=.043) and alcohol consumption (P=.021).



CONCLUSIONS: The 25-year data showed an association between NCCLs and specific risk factors, including occlusal wear and occlusal interferences.