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J Esthet Restor Dent.2024 Jan;36(1):220-230.


Characterization of materials used for 3D printing dental crowns and hybrid prostheses.

PMID: 38008797




OBJECTIVES: To compare the filler weight percentage (wt%), filler and resin composition, flexural strength, modulus, and hardness of several 3D-printed resins to direct and indirect restorative materials.


4種類の3Dプリントレジン(C&B MFH、Ceramic Crown、OnX、OnX Tough)、1種類のミルドレジンコンポジット(Lava Ultimate)、1種類の従来型コンポジット(Filtek Supreme)、1種類のセラミック(IPS e.max CAD)を評価した。フィラーwt%は燃焼灰法で測定し,フィラー粒子の形態と組成はそれぞれ走査型電子顕微鏡とエネルギー分散分光法で分析した.有機樹脂組成はフーリエ変換赤外分光法で分析した。材料の3点曲げ曲げ強さと弾性率は、ISO 4049またはISO 6872で測定した。ビッカース硬度も測定した。データは一元配置分散分析(ANOVA)とTukeyポストホック分析で比較した。フィラーwt%対曲げ強さ、弾性率、硬さについては線形回帰分析を行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four 3D-printed resins (C&B MFH, Ceramic Crown, OnX, and OnX Tough), one milled resin composite (Lava Ultimate), one conventional composite (Filtek Supreme), and one ceramic (IPS e.max CAD) were evaluated. Filler wt% was determined by the burned ash technique, and filler particle morphology and composition were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy, respectively. Organic resin composition was analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Three-point bend flexural strength and modulus of the materials were determined by ISO 4049 or ISO 6872. Vickers microhardness was measured. Data were compared with a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey post hoc analysis. Linear regression analysis was performed for filler wt% versus flexural strength, modulus, and hardness.


3Dプリント樹脂は、様々なサイズと形状のシリカフィラーと様々なタイプのメタクリレート樹脂で構成されていた。フィラーのwt%によって有意差が認められ、3%前後の材料(C&B MFH)、33%~38%の材料(OnX ToughおよびOnX)、50%前後の材料(Ceramic Crown)、72%前後の材料(Filtek SupremeおよびLava Ultimate)があった。すべての3Dプリントレジンは、曲げ強さ、弾性率、硬度が、従来型レジン複合材料や粉砕レジン複合材料、セラミック材料よりも有意に低かった(p<0.001)。フィラーwt%は、弾性率(p=0.013, R =0.821)および硬さ(p=0.018, R =0.787)と直線的な関係を示したが、曲げ強さ(p=0.056, R =0.551)には関係しなかった。

RESULTS: 3D-printed resins were composed of various sized and shaped silica fillers and various types of methacrylate resins. Significant differences were found among filler wt% with some materials around 3% (C&B MFH), others between 33% and 38% (OnX Tough and OnX), others around 50% (Ceramic Crown), and some around 72% (Filtek Supreme and Lava Ultimate). All 3D-printed resins had significantly lower flexural strength, modulus, and hardness than the conventional and milled resin composites and ceramic material (p < 0.001). Filler wt% demonstrated a linear relationship with modulus (p = 0.013, R  = 0.821) and hardness (p = 0.018, R  = 0.787) but not flexural strength (p = 0.056, R  = 0.551).



CONCLUSIONS: 3D-printed resins contain from 3% to 50% filler content. Filler wt% alone does not affect flexural strength, but strength may be affected by resin composition as well. Although the 3D-printed resins had lower flexural strength, modulus, and hardness than milled and conventional composite and ceramic, they demonstrated nonbrittle plastic behavior.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The properties of 3D-printed resins vary based on their composition, which affects their clinical applications.