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Dement Neurocogn Disord.2023 Oct;22(4):121-129.


Association Between Persistent Treatment of Alzheimer's Dementia and Osteoporosis Using a Common Data Model.

PMID: 38025411




BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: As it becomes an aging society, interest in senile diseases is increasing. Alzheimer's dementia (AD) and osteoporosis are representative senile diseases. Various studies have reported that AD and osteoporosis share many risk factors that affect each other's incidence. This aimed to determine if active medication treatment of AD could affect the development of osteoporosis.


健康保険審査評価サービス(Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service)により、診断、人口統計、処方薬、処置、医療材料、医療資源からなるデータが提供された。本研究では、国民健康保険制度に登録された韓国のすべてのAD患者のデータを入手した。コホートはObservational Medical Outcomes Partnership-Common Data Model version 5フォーマットに変換された。

METHODS: The Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service provided data consisting of diagnosis, demographics, prescription drug, procedures, medical materials, and healthcare resources. In this study, data of all AD patients in South Korea who were registered under the national health insurance system were obtained. The cohort underwent conversion to an Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership-Common Data Model version 5 format.



RESULTS: This study included 11,355 individuals in the good persistent group and an equal number of 11,355 individuals in the poor persistent group from the National Health Claims database for AD drug treatment. In primary analysis, the risk of osteoporosis was significantly higher in the poor persistence group than in the good persistence group (hazard ratio, 1.20 [95% confidence interval, 1.09-1.32]; <0.001).



CONCLUSIONS: We found that the good persistence group treated with anti-dementia drugs for AD was associated with a significant lower risk of osteoporosis in this nationwide study. Further studies are needed to clarify the pathophysiological link in patients with two chronic diseases.