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Evid Based Dent.2024 Mar;25(1):15-16.


Dose- and time-dependent association of smoking and its cessation with risk of peri-implant diseases.

PMID: 38036652




DESIGN: A retrospective cohort study involved patients who received at least one implant-supported restoration at a university dental clinic between 2001 and 2013. Patients were randomly selected from an electronic database, and their recruitment via telephone contact spanned from February 2021 until July 2021.



MAIN OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of smoking and its cessation with the risk of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis in a cohort of implant-treated patients.



METHODS: The study adhered to the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki and followed the STROBE guidelines for reporting observational research. Included were adult patients who were rehabilitated with dental implants, irrespective of the type of edentulism, superstructure, and prosthetic retention, provided that they had adequate access for peri-implant probing. Patients with incomplete records were excluded. Clinical measurements included plaque and bleeding indices, periodontal pocket depth, suppuration on probing, mucosal recession, and width of keratinized mucosa. Periapical radiographs were taken and marginal bone level (MBL) was measured using ImageJ software. The primary outcome variable was peri-implant status which was classified into: health (H), peri-implant mucositis (PM), and peri-implantitis (PI). Smoking status was categorized into: never-smokers, former smokers, and current smokers. Smoking information included: daily cigarette consumption, duration of smoking (in years), and age at initiation, and for former smokers, the duration of smoking cessation.


コホートには117人の患者(女性55人、男性62人)が含まれ、検査時の平均年齢は64.2歳であった。450本のインプラントによるリハビリテーションが行われ、1人当たりの平均インプラント埋入数は4.6本、平均機能期間は8年であった。全患者のうち、39人がHであり、41人と37人がそれぞれPMとPIであった。歯周病とMBLの測定値は、H群と比較してPM群とPI群で有意に高かった(p<0.001)。タバコの使用については、56人が非喫煙者、42人が元喫煙者、19人が現在喫煙者であった。1日の平均喫煙本数は15.7本であった。23箱年以上の喫煙者は非喫煙者と比較してPIのリスクが有意に高かった(OR=3.40;95%CI 0.91-17.30;p=0.002)。回帰分析によると、禁煙からのスパンが21年以上の被験者は、禁煙からのスパンが21年以内の被験者と比較して、インプラント周囲疾患(PID)のリスクが有意に低いことが示された(p=0.028)。

RESULTS: The cohort included 117 patients (55 females and 62 males) with a mean age of 64.2 years at examination. They were rehabilitated by 450 implants, with an average of 4.6 implants per patient and a mean duration of 8 years in function. Out of the total, 39 patients were H, while 41 and 37 showed PM and PI, respectively. Periodontal and MBL measures were significantly higher in PM and PI groups compared to H group (p < 0.001). Considering tobacco use, 56 patients were never-smokers, 42 former smokers, and 19 current smokers. The average daily consumption of cigarettes was 15.7. Ever-smokers >23 pack-years had a significantly higher risk for PI (OR = 3.40; 95% CI 0.91-17.30; p = 0.002) compared to nonsmokers. Regression analysis showed that subjects with a span since smoking cessation of more than 21 years exhibited a significantly lower risk of peri-implant diseases (PIDs) than those who had ceased smoking within 21 years (p = 0.028).



CONCLUSION: A smoking intensity exceeding 23 pack-years was significantly associated with PI risk, while the risk of PIDs was comparable between never-smokers and those who had quit smoking more than 21 years ago.