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Prog Orthod.2023 Dec;24(1):43.


Biomechanical effects of different staging and attachment designs in maxillary molar distalization with clear aligner: a finite element study.

PMID: 38044352




BACKGROUND: In the present study, the effects of distalizations of one and two molars with different step distances and attachment designs have been analyzed.



METHODS: A 3D finite element analysis model has been developed in order to determine the tendency of tooth displacement and stress distribution with clear aligner treatment.


単臼歯遠位化の条件下で、ステップ距離を0.25mmとした場合、総変位量は中切歯0.086mm、側切歯0.080mm、犬歯0.084mm、第一小臼歯0.102mm、第二小臼歯0.076mmであった。歯根のvon Mises応力および歯根膜の主応力は、ステップ距離を0.130mmに設定した場合、コントロール群よりもわずかに低かった。2大臼歯遠位化の条件では,ステップ距離を0.130mmに設定した場合,中切歯,側切歯,犬歯および上顎第1大臼歯と上顎第2大臼歯の総変位量は,1大臼歯遠位化の距離0.250mmと基本的に同じであった.また、段差距離を0.130mmとした2大臼歯遠位化では、第1大臼歯と第2大臼歯の回転中心が根尖に近く、段差距離が小さいほど2大臼歯遠位化時の体動が大きくなることが示された。しかし、第一大臼歯と第二大臼歯の変位傾向は、水平矩形アタッチメントを追加しても垂直矩形アタッチメントを追加しても基本的に同じであった。

RESULTS: Under the condition of single-molar distalization, when the step distance was set to 0.25 mm, the total displacement was 0.086 mm for central incisors, 0.080 mm for lateral incisors, 0.084 mm for canines, 0.102 mm for the first premolar and 0.076 mm for the second premolar. The von Mises stress of roots and the principal stress of the periodontal ligament was slightly lower than in the control group when the step distance was set to 0.130 mm. Under the condition of two-molar distalization, when the step distance was set to 0.130 mm, the total displacements for central incisors, lateral incisors and canines as well as both the first and second maxillary molars were basically the same as with a distance of 0.250 mm for one-molar distalization. In addition, when the step distance was 0.130 mm with two-molar distalization, the rotation center of the first and second molar was closer to the apex of the root indicating that the smaller step distance led to more bodily movement during the two-molar distalization. However, displacement tendencies of the first molar and the second molar were basically the same whether horizontal or vertical rectangular attachments were added.



CONCLUSIONS: A step distance of moving two molars to 0.130 mm can achieve the same reaction force on the anterior teeth as moving one molar 0.250 mm without effects on horizontal or vertical rectangular attachments.



CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Our results provide a theoretical basis and guidance for simultaneously moving two molars backward in clinical practice using a clear aligner.