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Niger J Clin Pract.2023 Nov;26(11):1624-1629.


Orofacial Uses of Botox in Dentistry and their Associated Risks: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study in Saudi Arabia.

PMID: 38044765




BACKGROUND: Various healthcare professionals, including dentists, provide botulinum toxin (Botox) for cosmetic and therapeutic treatment. In dentistry, it has multiple uses, such as gummy smile, bruxism, sialorrhea, muscle spasm, and orofacial pain, yet unwanted side effects may arise.



AIMS: This study aimed to investigate the participants' perspective regarding the scope of Botox in dentistry and its associated risk, provider involvement, and factors affecting the choice of which healthcare professions administer Botox injections in Saudi Arabia.



METHODS AND MATERIALS: A cross-sectional study using an online self-administered survey distributed through social media accounts among adults living in the Makkah region of Saudi Arabia. Four hundred male and female adults were invited to participate. Descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test were used in the study.


女性204名、男性51名、平均年齢33.86歳(SD=10.5)、合計256名の回答を得た。収集されたデータから、様々なボトックスの適応に関する知識が示された。その中には、しわの減少(216 (84.4%))、筋痙攣の治療(186 (72.7%))、ガミースマイルの管理(178 (69.5%))が含まれた。副作用については、感染症(182人(71.1%))、あざ(180人(70.3%))、眼瞼下垂(176人(68.7%))が挙げられた。ボトックス治療に関する主な情報源として、参加者は家族や友人を選んだ。大多数は形成外科医、次いで口腔顎顔面外科医によるボトックス治療を希望した。

RESULTS: A total of 256 responses were collected from 204 females and 51 males with a mean age of 33.86 (SD = 10.5) years. Collected data demonstrated knowledge of various Botox indications, which include wrinkle reduction (216 (84.4%)), treatment of muscle spasms (186 (72.7%)), and management of gummy smile (178 (69.5%)). Regarding the side effects, participants chose infections (182 (71.1%)), bruising (180 (70.3%)), and drooping in the eye (176 (68.7%)). Participants selected family and friends as the primary source of their information on Botox treatment. The majority preferred a plastic surgeon, followed by an oral maxillofacial surgeon, to provide the Botox treatment.



CONCLUSIONS: The usage of Botox therapy in the field of dentistry has increased significantly. Participants had an acceptable level of knowledge regarding the use of Botox in esthetic practices but lacked knowledge of the therapeutic scope of Botox therapy. The majority of participants had no doubt about the medical professionals administering Botox. It is advised to educate the public about the extent of Botox treatment and offer a trustworthy source of information required.