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Am J Otolaryngol.2023 Dec;45(2):104148.


Time-to-operation delays and in-hospital complications in operative facial trauma: A national analysis.

PMID: 38101139




BACKGROUND: Management of facial fractures is variable. Understanding how time to operative management impacts outcomes can help standardize practice.


2016年から2019年のACS Trauma Quality Improvement Program(TQIP)データベースのレトロスペクティブ解析。手術による顔面骨折の成人患者をICD-10手技コードで分離し、さらに下顎骨、眼窩、上顎骨、頬骨、前頭骨などの骨折部位で層別化した。多変量ロジスティック回帰を実施し、手術までの時間、併存疾患、骨折部位、AIS、および人口統計を調整した上で、院内合併症(手術合併症と全身合併症の両方)を予測した。

METHODS: Retrospective analysis of the ACS Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) database between 2016 and 2019. Adult patients with operative facial fractures were isolated by ICD-10 procedure codes, and further stratified by fracture location, including the mandible, orbit, maxilla, zygoma, and frontal bone. Multivariable logistic regression was conducted to predict in-hospital complications (both surgical and systemic complications) adjusting for time-to-operation, comorbidities, fracture location, AIS, and demographics.


顔面骨折の手術患者1678人が同定された。手術までの期間中央値は2日(IQR 1.0-2.0日)であった。ほとんどの患者は手術による骨折は1例のみであり(95%)、眼窩骨折が最も多かった(44%)。全体的な合併症発生率は、1〜2日および24時間以内に手術された患者に比べて、2日以降に手術された患者で高かった(2.8% vs 0.6% vs 0.7%;p<0.001)。48時間以降に手術された患者では、多変量モデルにおいてあらゆる合併症のリスクが増加した(OR 4.72、95%CI 1.49-16.6、p=0.010)。

RESULTS: 1678 patients with operative facial fractures were identified. The median time-to-operation was 2 days (IQR 1.0-2.0 days). Most patients only had one operative fracture (95 %) and orbital fracture was the most common (44 %). The overall complication rate was higher for those operated after 2 days compared to those operated between 1 and 2 days and within 24 h (2.8 % vs 0.6 % vs 0.7 %; p < 0.001). Patients who were operated on after 48 h exhibited an increased risk of any complication (OR 4.72, 95 % CI 1.49-16.6, p = 0.010) on multivariable models.



CONCLUSION: Delays in the management of facial fractures are associated with more in-hospital complications. However, the incidence of short-term postoperative complications remains low. Injury characteristics are the primary predictor of delays in operation, however Hispanic patients independently experienced delays in care.