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Respir Med.2024 Jan;221:107495.


Gastroesophageal reflux and snoring are related to asthma and respiratory symptoms: Results from a Nordic longitudinal population survey.

PMID: 38101459




AIM: To study if individuals with nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux (nGER) and habitual snoring are more likely to develop asthma and respiratory symptoms (i.e. wheeze, cough, chest tightness, breathlessness) than those without these conditions, and if these associations are additive.


人口ベースの前向き質問紙調査Respiratory Health in Northern Europe(RHINE)(11,024人)の1999年と2011年のデータを用いた。少なくとも1晩/週、就寝後に胸やけまたは腹鳴がある参加者をnGERとした。大きないびきを週3日以上かく参加者を習慣性いびきとした。参加者は、nGERといびきの状態によって4つのグループに分類された:"一度もない"、"以前"、"偶発的"、"持続的"。偶発的な呼吸器症状については、ベースライン時にそれぞれの症状がなかった参加者を対象に分析した。

METHODS: We used data from the population-based prospective questionnaire study Respiratory Health in Northern Europe (RHINE) (11,024 participants), with data from 1999 and 2011. Participants with heartburn or belching after going to bed, at least 1 night/week, were considered to have nGER. Participants reporting loud snoring at least 3 nights/week were considered to have habitual snoring. Participants were grouped into four groups by their nGER and snoring status: "never"; "former"; "incident"; "persistent". Incident respiratory symptoms were analyzed among participants without respective symptom at baseline.



RESULTS: Snoring and nGER were independently associated with incident asthma and respiratory symptoms. The risk of incident wheeze was increased in subjects with incident or persistent snoring (adjusted odds ratio (95 % CI): 1.44 (1.21-1.72)), nGER (2.18 (1.60-2.98)) and in those with both snoring and nGER (2.59 (1.83-3.65)). The risk of developing asthma was increased in subjects with incident or persistent snoring (1.44 (1.15-1.82)), nGER (1.99 (1.35-2.93)) and in those with both snoring and nGER (1.72 (1.06-2.77)). No significant interaction was found between snoring and nGER. A similar pattern was found for the incidence of all other respiratory symptoms studied, with the highest risk among those with both incident or persistent nGER and snoring.



CONCLUSION: The risk of developing asthma and respiratory symptoms is increased among subjects with nGER and habitual snoring. These associations are independent of each other and confounding factors. Snoring and nGER together are additive on respiratory symptoms.