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Minerva Dent Oral Sci.2023 Dec;


Temporomandibular disorders: the most common diagnostic approaches.

PMID: 38127420




BACKGROUND: Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are a heterogeneous group of conditions involving the temporomandibular joint complex, and surrounding musculature and osseous components. They are a multifactorial disease that can be determined by organic, genetic aspects, oral parafunctional habits, and psychological stress. They have an annual incidence of more than 5% of the population and about 6% to 12% of the population is affected by symptoms. The diagnostic criteria (DC), introduced by Dworkin, is considered the standard system to diagnose this disease in a specific way. Imaging can support the diagnosis of TMD when history and physical examination findings are equivocal. The aim of the study was to evaluate instrumental examinations and therapies, clinicians prefer to use in different cases of TMDs.


2ヶ国語(イタリア語と英語)で利用可能な匿名化された調査票を、Google Form(Google LLC, Mountain View, CA, USA)を使用し、2021年9月から2022年2月までの間、電子プラットフォームを使用して、異なる私立歯科診療所の患者398名(男性120名、女性274名、無回答4名)、450名に配布した。患者には、気軽に回答してもらうためのリマインダーの送付は行わなかった。

METHODS: An anonymized survey, available in two languages (Italian and English), was given to 450 patients, 398 (120 males, 274 females and 4 who did not answer) of different private dental practices were considered, using Google Form (Google LLC, Mountain View, CA, USA) and used an electronic platform, from September 2021 to February 2022. There was no reminder sent to patients to let them feel free to answer.


一般的な症状を考慮して口腔咬合処方の二元回帰を行ったところ、最も代表的なのは顎ブロック(P=0.007, 指数値[EXP]=0.509)であり、次いで顎関節雑音(P=0.01, EXP=0.503)、ストレスを感じる(P=0.04, EXP=1.125)であった。

RESULTS: We performed binary regression for oral bite prescription considering common symptoms and found that the most representative is jaw block (P=0.007, exponential value [EXP]=0.509), followed by TMJ noises (P=0.01, EXP=0.503) and feeling stressed (P=0.04, EXP=1.125) while headache and tinnitus resulted not significant.



CONCLUSIONS: The study highlighted that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most instrumental examination adopted by the clinicians and the oral splint(bite) is the therapy most widespread nowadays, even if TMDs are a multifactorial disease that is not, probably, only linked to an alteration of dental occlusion.