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Dent Res J (Isfahan).2023;20:117.


Comparison of marginal leakage and retentive strength of implant-supported milled zirconia and cobalt-chromium copings cemented with different temporary cements.

PMID: 38169570




BACKGROUND: Few studies assessed the effect of coping material (particularly milled metal copings) on the retentive strength of cements and reported contradictory results. Thus, this study aims to assess the marginal leakage and retentive strength of implant-supported milled zirconia and cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) copings cemented with different temporary cements.


本研究では、100本のチタン製ストレートアバットメントにジルコニアおよびCo-Crコーピングを作製した。コーピングの各グループを5つのサブグループ(=10)に分け、異なるセメントを使用した:永久リン酸亜鉛(ZP)セメント、仮着酸化亜鉛オイゲノールセメント(temp bond [TB])、水酸化カルシウム系仮着セメント(Dycal [DC])、ポリマー系オイゲノールフリーアクリル-ウレタン仮着セメント(Dentotemp [DT])、メタクリレート系仮着セメント(Implantlink [IL])。修復物の保持力と辺縁漏れを評価した。データは、一元配置分散分析、Tukey検定、Fisherの正確検定(α=0.05)により分析した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study, Zirconia and Co-Cr copings were fabricated on 100 straight titanium abutments. Each group of copings was divided into five subgroups ( = 10) for the use of different cements: permanent zinc-phosphate (ZP) cement, temporary zinc oxide eugenol cement (temp bond [TB]), calcium hydroxide-based temporary cement (Dycal [DC]), polymer-based eugenol-free acrylic-urethane temporary cement (Dentotemp [DT]), and methacrylate-based temporary cement (Implantlink [IL]). The retentive strength and marginal leakage of restorations were assessed. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, Tukey, and Fisher's exact tests (α = 0.05).


Co-Cr群では、保持力(単位:ニュートン)は以下の通りであった:ZP(411.40±5.19)>DC(248.80±5.01)>IL(200.10±5.06)>DT(157.90±5.19)>TB(98.50±6.88)。この順序はジルコニア群では以下の通りであった:ZP(388.70±5.35)>DC(226.60±5.08)>IL(179.00±3.71)>DT(136.00±4.88)>TB(78.60±3.50)。一対比較はすべて統計的に有意であった(< 0.001)。限界リークの差は群間で有意ではなかった(= 0.480)。

RESULTS: In the Co-Cr group, the retentive strength values (in Newtons) were as follows: ZP (411.40 ± 5.19) >DC (248.80 ± 5.01) >IL (200.10 ± 5.06) >DT (157.90 ± 5.19) >TB (98.50 ± 6.88). This order was as follows in the zirconia group: ZP (388.70 ± 5.35) >DC (226.60 ± 5.08) >IL (179.00 ± 3.71) >DT (136.00 ± 4.88) >TB (78.60 ± 3.50). All pairwise comparisons were statistically significant ( < 0.001). The difference in marginal leakage was not significant among the groups ( = 0.480).



CONCLUSION: The type of coping material and cement type significantly affected retentive strength, but not marginal leakage, of implant restorations. Milled Co-Cr copings showed higher retentive strength than zirconia copings, and ZP cement followed by DC yielded the highest retention.