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Cureus.2023 Dec;15(12):e50023.


The Effect of Using a Camouflaged Dental Syringe on Children's Anxiety and Behavioral Pain.

PMID: 38186474




BACKGROUND: Seeing a dental syringe can be terrifying, especially for young children, and hiding it during local anesthesia (LA) administration can sometimes be challenging for the pediatric dentist.



OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a camouflaged dental syringe on children's anxiety and behavioral pain in comparison to the traditional dental syringe during local anesthesia administration in pediatric patients.


この無作為化臨床試験には、上顎弓に頬側浸潤麻酔(BIA)を必要とする緊急性のない歯科治療を予定している、協力的で健康な6~10歳の小児が参加した。被験者は試験群と対照群に無作為に割り付けられた。試験群では、被験者はカモフラージュされた歯科用注射器を用いてBIAを受けた。対照群の被験者は、従来の歯科用注射器を用いてBIAを受けた。麻酔は、訓練を受けた歯科医師が1人で行った。心拍数(HR)は、3つの異なる時点(BIA投与前、投与中、投与後)でモニターされた。被験者の不安と行動上の苦痛は、訓練され、校正された2人の調査員によって、それぞれVenham's Anxiety Rating Scale(VARS)とFace, Leg, Activity, Cry, and Consolability(FLACC)スケールを用いて測定された。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This randomized clinical trial included cooperative and healthy 6- to 10-year-old children scheduled for non-urgent dental treatment that required buccal infiltration anesthesia (BIA) in the maxillary arch. The subjects were randomized into either the test or the control groups. In the test group, subjects received BIA using the camouflaged dental syringe. Subjects in the control group received the BIA using a traditional dental syringe. A single-trained dentist administered all the anesthesia. Heart rate (HR) was monitored at three different time points (before, during, and after) the BIA administration. Subjects' anxiety and behavioral pain were measured using Venham's Anxiety Rating Scale (VARS) and the Face, Leg, Activity, Cry, and Consolability (FLACC) scale, respectively, by two trained and calibrated investigators.



RESULTS: A total of 60 subjects with a mean age of 8.3 ±1.3 years were included. The scores of the VARS in the subjects in the camouflaged group were somewhat lower than the subjects in the traditional group, but the observed difference did not reach statistical significance (=0.113). However, subjects in the camouflaged group showed significantly lower FLACC scores compared to the traditional group (=0.034).



CONCLUSION: The utilization of a camouflaged dental syringe is effective in improving children's behavior during local anesthesia administration; therefore, it is recommended as an alternative to using the traditional syringe.