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Cureus.2023 Dec;15(12):e50206.


A Comparison of Self-Perceived Oral and Facial Esthetics in Patients After Lip Repositioning Surgery With Modified and Conventional Techniques.

PMID: 38192937




BACKGROUND: Patients with excessive gingival display (EGD) are treated with lip repositioning surgeries (LRS). This study used a questionnaire to analyze and evaluate how patients who received LRS with modified and traditional techniques perceived their own oral and facial esthetics at various timelines after their surgeries.


この横断研究では、口腔顔面審美アンケート(OEQ)を使用した。参加者は、EGD治療のためにLRSを受けた患者である。対照群(n=100)と試験群(n=100)に分けた。対照群では、LRSは伝統的/従来的手技を用いて行われ、試験群では、LRSは改良されたアプローチを用いて行われた。回答の記録にはOEQが用いられた。この尺度は、4つの時点(ベースライン、1ヵ月後、6ヵ月後、1年後)で、参加患者が自身の口腔および顔面の審美についてどのように感じているかを把握することを目的とした8つの質問から構成された。患者は各質問に対して10段階のリッカート尺度(0:非常に不満、10:非常に満足)で回答した。データは、Statistical Package for the Social Sciences(SPSS)バージョン21.0ソフトウェア(IBM SPSS Statistics, Armonk, NY)を用いて独立標本T検定により分析した。

METHODS: An orofacial esthetic questionnaire (OEQ) was used in this cross-sectional study. The participants were patients who underwent LRS for the treatment of their EGD. They were divided into control (n=100) and test (n=100) groups. For the control group, LRS were performed using traditional/conventional techniques, and for the test group, LRS were performed using a modified approach. An OEQ was used to record responses. The scale comprised eight questions targeted to capture participating patients' perceptions about their own oral and facial esthetics at four timelines (baseline and one-month, six-month, and one-year follow-up). Patients responded to each question on a 10-point Likert scale (0: very dissatisfied, 10: very satisfied). Data was analyzed by independent samples T-tests using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 software (IBM SPSS Statistics, Armonk, NY).



RESULTS: Seven (3.5%) out of the total (N=200) patients were unable to take part in the study's OEQ. At one-year follow-up, the mean and standard deviation (SD) for the test group's gingival display (GD) were 2.48±0.86 mm and 3.77±1.76 mm, respectively, and comparisons revealed that the test group's GD was significantly lower (p=0.000) than the control group. Results from the participant responses to OEQ using the Likert scale at one-year follow-up revealed significant differences between the control and test groups for all questions, except question 5 (p=0.06), as the shape of the teeth will not be affected by LRS. Patients in the test group who underwent LRS with a modified approach have a high level of satisfaction (satisfaction score: >9). Patients in the control group scored their satisfaction less favorably, with certain questions (question 3) receiving scores as low as 0.31. Perception of oral and facial esthetics was significantly higher for the test group at different time points. At one-year follow-up, the mean difference was 4.46, which was the greatest (p=0.000).



CONCLUSIONS: EGD improved significantly at one year with the modified lip repositioning technique. The satisfaction level of patients with outcomes of the modified lip repositioning was significantly higher as compared to the satisfaction level of patients who underwent the conventional technique.