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Healthcare (Basel).2023 Dec;12(1).


Oral Health Knowledge, Self-Assessed Oral Health Behavior, and Oral Hygiene Practices among the Adult General Population in Croatia.

PMID: 38200994




OBJECTIVES: Emphasizing the significance of optimal oral health for enhancing overall well-being, this study aimed to investigate oral health knowledge, self-assessed oral health behaviors, and oral hygiene practices within the Croatian general population.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted online, utilizing a questionnaire collecting sociodemographic characteristics and inquiring about respondents' oral health knowledge, self-assessed oral health status, oral hygiene habits, and use of oral hygiene products. Collected data underwent both descriptive and regression analyses to unveil patterns and relationships within the dataset.


回答者の口腔衛生に関する知識は高いレベルであり(中央値9、IQR7.00-10.00、最高得点10)、歯科医療従事者、平均以上の社会経済的地位、電動ブラシ、デンタルフロス、歯間ブラシの使用が高い有意な要因であった( ˊ 0.05)。一方、不十分な知識は、歯肉からの出血や日常的な喫煙と関連していた( ˊ 0.05)。回答者の69.4%が口腔内の健康状態は非常に良いと考えていたが、32.5%が虫歯、38.2%が知覚過敏と回答した。大多数(62.0%)は、最後に歯科医院を受診した理由として定期検診を挙げ、74.1%は受診時に不安や不快感を感じていなかった。毎日の歯ブラシ使用率は97.8%と高いが、フロスや歯間ブラシを毎日使用していると回答した人は34.1%と19.1%にとどまった。回答者の69.0%が、口腔保健リテラシーの低さと優先順位の低さが口腔保健の最適化に寄与していると回答した。

RESULTS: The respondents showed a high level of knowledge about oral health (median score 9, IQR 7.00-10.00, maximum possible score 10), with significant factors for higher knowledge being engaged in dental professions; above-average socioeconomic status; and the use of an electric brush, dental floss, and interdental brushes ( ˂ 0.05). Insufficient knowledge, on the other hand, was associated with bleeding gums and daily smoking ( ˂ 0.05). Although 69.4% of respondents considered their oral health to be very good, 32.5% reported tooth decay, and 38.2% reported tooth sensitivity. The majority (62.0%) cited regular check-ups as the reason for their last visit to the dentist, with 74.1% feeling no anxiety or discomfort during these visits. Daily toothbrush use was widespread (97.8%), but only 34.1% and 19.1% of respondents reported using floss and/or interdental brushes daily. A remarkable 69.0% of respondents indicated that low oral health literacy and low prioritization contribute to suboptimal oral health.



CONCLUSIONS: While respondents demonstrated commendable oral health knowledge, the prevalence of reported issues suggests a potential gap between perception and actual oral health status. To address this, targeted educational interventions focusing on comprehensive oral hygiene practices and debunking misconceptions should be prioritized in Croatia.