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Heliyon.2024 Jan;10(1):e23782.


Salivary and gingival crevicular fluid biomarkers of periodontal health and/or obesity among children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

PMID: 38226238




OBJECTIVES: To investigate the association of salivary and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) biomarkers with periodontal status and obesity in children and adolescents.


PubMed、Web of Science、Embase、ProQuest Medical Database、ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection、Cochrane Libraryを用いて2023年7月までの文献検索を行った。歯周状態および/または肥満の小児および青年における唾液およびGCFバイオマーカーを比較した観察研究をデータ抽出の対象とした。全体の標準化平均差を推定するためにメタアナリシスを実施した。

DATA/SOURCES: A literature search up to July 2023 was conducted through PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, ProQuest Medical Database, ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection, and the Cochrane Library. Observational studies comparing salivary and GCF biomarkers in children and adolescents with compromised periodontal status and/or obesity were included for data extraction. A meta-analysis was performed to estimate the overall standardised mean difference.


15件の観察研究が組み入れ基準を満たし、本システマティックレビューに組み入れられた。メタアナリシスは、GCFバイオマーカーと肥満の二項関係を総合する場合にのみ適用された。その結果、肥満の小児および青年は、標準体重の小児および青年に比べて、腫瘍壊死因子α(SMD:0.56;95%CI:0.07, 1.04)、アディポネクチン(SMD:0.33;95%CI:0.06, 0.60)、レプチン(SMD:0.52;95%CI:0.15, 0.90)、およびインターロイキン-1β(SMD:0.71;95%CI:0.44, 0.99)のGCFレベルが有意に高いことが示された。

STUDY SELECTION: Fifteen observational studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in this systematic review. Meta-analysis was only applicable in synthesising the dyadic relationship between GCF biomarkers and obesity. The results demonstrated that children and adolescents with obesity had significantly higher GCF levels of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (SMD:0.56; 95% CI:0.07, 1.04), adiponectin (SMD:0.33; 95% CI:0.06, 0.60), leptin (SMD:0.52; 95% CI:0.15, 0.90), and interleukin-1 beta (SMD:0.71; 95% CI:0.44, 0.99) than those with normal weight.



CONCLUSION: To date, no study has well addressed the triadic association between salivary or GCF biomarkers, periodontal status, and obesity among children and adolescents. Further in-depth, high-quality studies are required to investigate these associations.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Periodontal disease and obesity are growing public health crises worldwide. Their relationship has been intensively studied. Investigating the salivary or GCF biomarkers alterations could help better understand the relationship between periodontal disease and obesity, which would assist in tailoring future oral health promotion programs.