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J Clin Pediatr Dent.2024 Jan;48(1):120-127.


Comparison of computer controlled local anesthetic delivery and traditional injection regarding disruptive behaviour, pain, anxiety and biochemical parameters: a randomized controlled trial.

PMID: 38239164


本試験では、さまざまな方法による浸潤麻酔の効果を評価した。その結果、心理測定、生理学的、生化学的手法を用いて痛みと不安がモニターされた。7~11歳の小児60名(8.73±1.38)を対象とした。彼らは2つのグループ(n = 30)に分けられた:従来の注射(対照群)とコンピュータ制御鎮痛薬局所投与(CCLAD)(研究群)である。脈拍、酸素飽和度(SpO)、唾液中コルチゾール濃度を記録し、尺度データ(Visual Analogue Scale(VAS)、Wong-Baker Faces Rating Pain Scale(WBS)、Modified Child Dental Anxiety Scale(MCDAS)、Face, Leg, Activity, Cry, Consolability Behavioral Pain Assessment Scale(FLACC))を評価した。データは統計的に分析された。年齢と性別は、測定されたパラメータにあまり影響を与えなかった(> 0.05)。SpO値は両群とも有意差はなかった(>0.05)。対照群では、麻酔後に脈拍、VAS、WBS、MCDAS、FLACC、唾液中コルチゾール値が上昇した(<0.05)。WBS、MCDAS、FLACCおよび唾液中コルチゾール値は、対照群に比べ試験群で麻酔後に減少した(< 0.05)。以上より、コンピュータ制御による局所鎮痛薬投与システムは、痛みと不安の軽減という点で、小児患者に好まれる可能性があることが推察された。

The study herein evaluated the effects of infiltrative anesthesia administered different ways. Resultantly, the pain and anxiety were monitored using psychometric, physiological and biochemical methods. Sixty children aged 7-11 years (8.73 ± 1.38) were included in the study. They were divided into 2 groups (n = 30): Traditional injection (control group), and computer controlled local analgesic delivery (CCLAD) (study group). Pulse, oxygen saturation (SpO), and salivary cortisol levels were recorded, and the scales data (Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Wong-Baker Faces Rating Pain Scale (WBS), Modified Child Dental Anxiety Scale (MCDAS) and Face, Leg, Activity, Cry, Consolability Behavioral Pain Assessment Scale (FLACC)) were evaluated. The data were statistically analyzed. Age and gender had not much impact on the measured parameters ( > 0.05). SpO values in both groups were not significantly different ( > 0.05). Pulse, VAS, WBS, MCDAS, FLACC and salivary cortisol values were increased after the anesthesia in control group ( < 0.05). WBS, MCDAS, FLACC and salivary cortisol values were decreased after the anesthesia in study group compared to the control ( < 0.05). It was inferred that computer controlled local analgesic delivery system could be preferred in pediatric patients because of reduced pain and anxiety.