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PubMedの提供する医学論文データベースを日本語で検索できます。AI(Deep Learning)を活用した機械翻訳エンジンにより、精度高く日本語へ翻訳された論文をご参照いただけます。
Evid Based Dent.2024 Mar;25(1):29-30.


Which caries removal method to select?

PMID: 38253747



2008年1月~2023年1月にPubMed/MEDLINEおよびWeb of Scienceデータベースを用いて検索を行った。英語の論文のみを対象とした。検索にはブール演算子を用いた:"永久歯" OR "永久歯" OR "永久歯列" AND "深いう蝕" OR "段階的" AND "部分的う蝕除去" OR "段階的う蝕除去" OR "歯髄活力" OR "治癒率"。

DATA SOURCES: Searches were carried out using PubMed/MEDLINE and Web of Science databases between January 2008 and January 2023. Only articles in English language were included. Boolean operators were used to search: "permanent teeth" OR "permanent tooth" OR "permanent dentition" AND "deep caries" OR "stepwise" AND "partial caries removal OR "stepwise caries removal" OR "pulp vitality" OR "healing rate".



STUDY SELECTION: Inclusion criteria were randomised controlled trials, which compared the total removal of carious tissue with either a selective or stepwise removal in permanent teeth with deep carious lesions. Criteria also required a follow up of at least 6 months and publications in English. Exclusion criteria were articles in other languages, articles not comparing different types of total or selective caries removal and articles published before January 2008.


データ抽出はPRISMAガイドラインに従った。2名の査読者が独立して論文をスクリーニングし、Rayyan's Intelligent Systematic Review Platformを用いてタイトルと抄録を分析した。また、Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool for Randomised Trialsを用いてデータを収集し、バイアスのリスクを評価した。意見が分かれた場合は、3人目の研究者が対立や疑問を解決した。

DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Data extraction followed PRISMA guidelines. Two reviewers independently screened articles, analysing titles and abstracts using Rayyan's Intelligent Systematic Review Platform. They also collected data and risk of bias assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool for Randomised Trials, dividing articles into high risk of bias, few concerns and low risk of bias. A third researcher resolved conflict or doubt in case of divided opinions.


合計105件の論文が同定され、10件の重複が削除された。95件の論文がタイトルと抄録で検討され、このうち75件は組み入れ基準に合致しなかった。その後20本の論文を読み、さらに15本を除外した。その理由は、部分的なう蝕除去または非選択的う蝕除去のみを比較したため、または数値データがないためであった。その結果、適格基準を満たした5件の論文が残った。これらは2010年から2021年の無作為化比較試験であった。追跡期間は1ヵ月から5年であった。全試験の組み入れ基準および除外基準は、臨床パラメーターが類似していた。3つの研究では永久歯の臼歯部のみを対象としていたが、残りの研究では永久歯の切歯/犬歯/小臼歯および臼歯部も対象としていた。う蝕の管理は、非選択的う蝕除去と部分的う蝕除去(選択的または段階的)に分けられた。2件を除くすべての研究で、使用した材料に関する具体的な情報が含まれていた。ライナーは水酸化カルシウムまたはDycal、プロビジョナルレストレーションはグラスアイオノマーセメントまたはKetax Molar、デフィニティブレストレーションはHerculite Tetric N-Ceramレジン、Ivolclar Vivadentまたはアマルガムであった。臨床的成否は、歯髄の活力、智歯周囲病変の有無、X線分析、および症状の欠如を用いて測定した。臨床的フォローアップの評価は、外部の審査官によって行われたが、2つの研究では明確には規定されていなかった。統計解析には、各研究でさまざまなツールが使用された。

RESULTS: In total, 105 articles were identified, and 10 duplicates removed. 95 articles were reviewed by title and abstract and 75 of these did not meet the inclusion criteria. 20 articles were then read, excluding a further 15 due to comparing only partial removal or non-selective caries removal or absence of numerical data. This left 5 articles which met eligibility criteria. These were randomised controlled trials between 2010 and 2021. Follow up ranged from 1 month to 5 years. The inclusion and exclusion criteria in all studies had similar clinical parameters. 3 studies performed management only on permanent molars, whilst the rest also included management on permanent incisors/canines/premolars and molars. Management of caries was divided into non-selective caries removal vs partial caries removal (either selective or stepwise). All but 2 studies included specific information about the materials used. Liners were calcium hydroxide or Dycal, provisional restorations were glass ionomer cements or Ketax Molar and definitive restorations were Herculite Tetric N-Ceram resin, Ivolclar Vivadent or amalgam. Clinical success or failure was measured using pulp vitality, absence of periapical lesions, radiographic analysis and lack of symptoms. Clinical follow up was evaluated by external examiners, although 2 studies did not specify this clearly. There were a variety of tools used for statistical analysis in each study.



CONCLUSIONS: When comparing non-selective caries removal with either selective or stepwise, 3 studies proposed statistically significant differences in terms of longevity, marginal integrity and success rate of restorations. 1 study stated inexistence of statistically relevant divergences between procedures. Non-selective caries removal is not highly recommended for deep carious lesions and may be considered invasive and risks pulpal exposure. Both selective and stepwise removal are considered conservative approaches. Selective removal is considered the best management option in the short term (with 1.5 years follow up), predominantly related to a lower risk of pulpal exposure. At 5 years, however, the results of selective were similar to those of non-selective, accepting the null hypothesis. There were also no differences in success rates for materials used for definitive restorations.