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J Indian Prosthodont Soc.2024 Jan;24(1):52-60.


Effect of calcium and Vitamin D supplementation on residual ridge resorption in edentulous patients: An open-label randomized study.

PMID: 38263558




AIM: Complete dentures (CDs) are fabricated to rehabilitate the edentulous. Severe residual ridge resorption (RRR) compromises CD functionality, adversely affecting function, appearance, systemic health, and quality of life.



SETTINGS AND DESIGN: The purpose of this study was to assess the benefit, if any, of calcium and Vitamin D supplementation on the rate of RRR. Retarding RRR would improve treatment prognosis and make CD fabrication less demanding.


この縦断的並行非盲検無作為化試験は、当研究所の補綴科で実施された。150名の無歯顎被験者に骨密度(BMD)評価を行い、その後CDを作製し、コンピュータ断層撮影(CT)スキャンを用いてRRの高さと幅を測定した。被験者は、ビタミンDとカルシウムを毎日併用する経口サプリメント群(S)と、サプリメント非投与群(NS)に無作為に割り付けられた。両群の被験者は、12ヵ月後にBMD検査とCTスキャンを繰り返し受けて追跡された。平均BMD、RR高さ・幅、RRR値を収集し、STATA 17を用いて2群について解析・比較した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This longitudinal, parallel, open-label randomized study was conducted in the Department of Prosthodontics of the institute. One hundred and fifty edentulous subjects underwent bone mineral density (BMD) assessment followed by CD fabrication to measure RR height and width with computerized tomographic (CT) scans. Subjects were randomized to oral supplementation group - S, given combined Vitamin D and calcium daily, and nonsupplementation group - NS. Subjects from both the groups were followed up with repeat BMD test and CT scan after 12 months. Mean BMD, RR height and width, and RRR values were collected, analyzed, and compared for the two groups using STATA 17.



STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED AND RESULTS: Baseline mean T-score, RR height, and RR width were - 1.84, 22.30 mm, and 4.25 mm, respectively, for the sample. In both Groups S and NS, a statistically significant decrease in mandibular RR height (P = 0.000 for both) and width (P = 0.027 and 0.003, respectively) was observed at 1-year follow-up. There was a statistically insignificant difference between Groups S and NS for mean BMD, T-score, RR height and width, and RRR at both baseline and 12-month follow-up. One-year RRR rate for Group S (1.30 mm) was insignificantly lesser than for group NS (1.33 mm).



CONCLUSION: Short-term oral calcium and Vitamin D supplementation was ineffective in reducing RRR and improving BMD.