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Evid Based Dent.2024 Mar;25(1):47-48.

歯磨剤に含まれるキシリトール:齲蝕リスクの高い幼児におけるStreptococcus mutansの減少に有効か?

Xylitol in toothpaste: is it effective in reducing the levels of Streptococcus mutans in high caries risk young children?

PMID: 38287110



本研究は観察的前向き縦断コホート研究であり、1~12ヵ月児102人を24ヵ月にわたって追跡した。ベースライン時に歯科検診を行い、ICDASシステムを用いてう蝕病変の数を評価し、唾液サンプルを採取してDentocult SM唾液ストリップを用いて唾液中のStreptococcus mutans(SM)レベルを評価した。コホートの介護者は歯磨き指導を受け、25%キシリトール歯磨きチューブを3ヵ月にわたって1日2回使用するよう指導された。このプロセスは24ヵ月の研究期間中続けられた。研究の最後に、SMの有病率が再び記録された。

DESIGN: This study is an observational prospective longitudinal cohort study, following 102 children aged 1 to 12 months over a period of 24 months. At baseline, a dental examination was carried out to assess the number of carious lesions present using the ICDAS system, and a saliva sample was taken to assess the levels of Streptococcus mutans (SM) in saliva using the Dentocult SM saliva strip. Cohort caregivers received toothbrushing instruction and a 25% xylitol toothpaste tube for which they were instructed to use twice a day over a 3-month period, after which they returned to clinic at Pristina University to receive another tube. This process continued throughout the entire 24-month study period. At the end of the study, SM prevalence was recorded again.



COHORT SELECTION: 102 children and their mothers were included in this study: 43 girls and 59 boys. At the beginning of the study, the child's mean age was 6.7 months, and at the end, 30.8 months. A random sample of 60 mothers was selected to analyse SM levels.



DATA ANALYSIS: The data set was summarised descriptively using summary statistics, percentages and statistical tests. Values were expressed as a mean and standard deviation. SM prevalence comparison between baseline and endpoint was tested using chi-square statistics.



RESULTS: At the baseline dental examination, the child's mean age was 6.7 (±3.7 months). At this point 59% of the 102 infants were edentulous. Caries was reported to be present in 12.4% of children. The mean ICDAS score was calculated as 0.70 (2.42 SD). When caries was present (87.6% of the 102 children included in the study), the majority of the caries experience (74.2%) was determined as at an early stage (ICAS score 1 or 2). 72.6% (n = 74/102) of children were infected with SM at baseline. 28 children had Level 1 (0) SM. 57 children had Level 2 and 3 (102-4) SM. 17 children had Level 4 SM (≥105) SM. The SM categorical distribution was statistically significant (p = 0.02). At endpoint, 53.5% (57/102) of children were SM infected. Parallel comparison of pre- and post-data sets show that there was a 19.1% reduction in SM levels overall following the introduction of the xylitol toothpaste. (p = 0.002). In the participant group with the highest SM level (Level 4), a net 12.2% reduction in SM prevalence occurred. The change in SM infection was deemed statistically significant.



CONCLUSIONS: Brushing twice a day with toothpaste containing 25% xylitol shows a statistically significant decrease in SM levels. This shows a promising anticariogenic effect. Late SM colonisation is protective for future carious lesions. Xylitol can help prevent early childhood caries and early SM contamination.