Entire papilla preservation technique for treatment of periodontal intrabony defects: a series of cases.
PMID: 38289003
OBJECTIVE: This series of cases aimed to describe the use of the entire papilla preservation surgical technique without using biomaterials to regenerate periodontal intrabony defects. We also observed the influence on the clinical periodontal parameters and radiographic parameters measured through a CBCT, the latter not described until now, and analysed the possible postoperative complications.
BACKGROUND: Periodontitis is characterised by bone resorption. Vertical bone loss results in an intraosseous defect. Multiple surgical approaches for treating intrabony defects have shown different grades of effectiveness. Recently, the entire papilla preservation technique has been proposed, improving clinical parameters, such as pocket depth and clinical attachment level.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 6 intrabony periodontal defects associated with at least one periodontal pocket with probing depths equal to or greater than 6 mm were treated with the entire papilla preservation technique. The clinical and radiographic parameters were evaluated at the beginning and six months after surgery.
プロービングポケット深度の平均縮小は4±0.63mm、臨床的アタッチメントレベルの平均獲得は3.67±1.03mm、X線写真の骨内充填の平均は2.41±2.03mmであった。早期治癒は問題なく、7日後のVisual Analogue Scaleの平均値は0であった。
RESULTS: The mean probing pocket depth reduction was 4±0.63 mm, the mean clinical attachment level gain was 3.67±1.03 mm, and the mean radiographic intrabony filling was 2.41±2.03 mm. Early healing was uneventful; the mean Visual Analogue Scale at seven days was 0.
この低侵襲技術は、臨床的およびX線写真のパラメー タに改善をもたらし、後者は外科治療後6ヵ月間の評価で観察 された骨欠損の充填を示した。これらの結果から、骨内欠損の再生における血栓とフラップの安定性の重要性が確認された。
CONCLUSIONS: This minimally invasive technique results in an improvement in clinical and radiographic parameters, the latter showing a filling of the bone defect observed during the six-month evaluation after surgical treatment. These results confirm the importance of clot and flap stability in regenerating intraosseous defects.