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J Conserv Dent Endod.2023;26(6):663-670.


Endodontic retreatment practice trends among dental surgeons: A survey-based research.

PMID: 38292753




AIM: Root canal treatment procedures are considered "the bread and butter" for routine clinical practice. Although retreatments have been primarily performed by endodontists (ENs), many senior practitioners and dentists who are root canal enthusiasts do opt for undertaking endodontic retreatment procedures. This survey helps us understand the practice trends and attitude of dentists undertaking endodontic retreatment procedures in and around Mumbai city.


歯内療法再治療に関する質問票をムンバイ市内および近郊の開業歯科医師1000人に無作為に配布した(ハードコピー/ソフトコピー)。アンケート調査は、歯科医師の氏名、人口統計学的情報、臨床経験などの基本情報を含むパート A と、歯内療法再治療に関する歯科医師の傾向、技術、材料、意見を評価するパート B に分けられた。歯内療法再治療の患者を治療した歯科医師のみがパートBのフォームに記入するよう求められた。回答率は60.2%であった。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Questionnaires pertaining to endodontic retreatment were randomly distributed (hard copy/soft copy) to 1000 practicing dentists in and around Mumbai city. The questionnaire survey was divided into Part A: involving basic details such as name, demographic information, and clinical experience of the dentist and Part B: a set of questions based on assessing the trends, techniques, materials, and opinions of dentists regarding endodontic retreatment. Only those dentists who treated endodontic retreatment patients were asked to fill the Part B form. A response rate of 60.2% was achieved.



RESULTS: Out of total 602 participants, 49% of dentists (295) reported to undertake endodontic retreatment cases. Among the 295 respondents, 46.11% were Endodontists (ENs) while 53.8% were BDS or MDS of other specialties (ODs). Most dentists preferred multi-visit retreatment and prescribed antibiotics only in specific cases. Radiovisiography was the most preferred imaging aid. Calcium hydroxide and 3% sodium hypochlorite were favored choices for intracanal medicament and irrigant, respectively. Cold lateral compaction obturation technique was most common. Advanced equipment such as microscopes, loupes, ultrasonics, retreatment files, and thermoplastic obturations were more prevalent among ENs as compared to ODs.


本研究では、EN とその他の歯科医師との間で、歯内療法的再治療の実施傾向に若干の違いがあることを見出した。しかし、全体的には、ほとんどの臨床家が国際的な規範に従い、歯内療法再治療に使用される材料や技法の最近の進歩について最新の情報を得ていた。

CONCLUSION: This study found some differences in endodontic retreatment practice trends among ENs and other dentists. But overall, most clinicians followed the international norms and are updated in recent advances in materials and techniques used in endodontic retreatment.