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J Dent Sci.2024 Jan;19(1):377-386.


Surgical repair of external cervical resorption - Prognosis and prognostic factors.

PMID: 38303835




BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: External cervical resorption (ECR) is an aggressive form of root resorption, which etiology is unclear and its prognosis remains unpredictable. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prognosis and potential prognostic factors of ECR-affected teeth after surgical intervention for external repair with/without root canal treatment.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Treated ECR cases from 2009 to 2019 were collected retrospectively. The survival of the teeth and the status of root resorption were assessed during the follow-up period. Potential prognostic factors were analyzed with log-rank test and Kaplan-Meier statistics.


合計42本のECR罹患歯が登録された。2 年生存率は 71.20% [54.16%, 93.59%]であった。持続性歯根吸収が治療後の主な合併症であった。複数のECR罹患歯を有する患者は、単独のECR罹患歯を有する患者よりも再発の可能性が高かった。水酸化カルシウムによるドレッシングを長期間継続することで、より良好な臨床転帰が得られる可能性がある。性別、年齢、歯の位置および根管治療の必要性は、予後に統計学的に有意な影響を示さなかった。

RESULTS: A total of 42 treated ECR-affected teeth were enrolled. The two-year survival rate was 71.20% [54.16%, 93.59%]. Persistent root resorption was the main complication after treatment. Patients with multiple ECR-affected teeth had greater recurrent potential than patients with solitary ECR-affected teeth. Prolonged calcium hydroxide dressing may contribute to a more favorable clinical outcome. Gender, age, tooth position and the need for root canal treatment did not show statistically significant effect on the prognosis.



CONCLUSION: The current surgical method was able to arrest ECR in most cases. However, the case type (the number of ECR-affected teeth per patient) could highly affect the prognosis of the teeth. Clinicians should consider long-term calcium hydroxide dressing in case of pulp involvement to achieve better results.