Evaluation of Marginal and Internal Adaptation of Crowns Fabricated with Three Different Zirconia CAD/CAM Materials.
PMID: 38317035
BACKGROUND: Marginal and internal adaptation are key factors that determine the clinical success of dental restorations.
AIM: The aim of this study is to evaluate the marginal and internal fit of crowns fabricated with three different CAD-CAM zirconia materials; two monolithic zirconia materials and one veneered zirconia copings in comparison with conventional metal-ceramic crowns.
96本の抜去臼歯(n = 96)を選択した。無作為に4群(n=24)に分け、以下の修復物を作製した:メタルセラミッククラウン(コントロール群)(CG群)、モノリシックジルコニアクラウン(GC初期)(MZ1群)、モノリシックジルコニアクラウン(InCoris TZI)(MZ2群)、バイレイヤージルコニアクラウン、コア(InCoris ZI)に低融点ガラスセラミック(IPS Emax Ceram)(BZ群)。内部および辺縁の適合は、シリコーンレプリカ法を用いて評価した。20倍に拡大した光学顕微鏡下で、すべての歯について合計20点を記録した。結果は、一元配置分散分析(ANOVA)および有意水準0.01のポストホックTukeyの検定を用いて比較した。
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ninety-six extracted molars (n = 96) were selected. Teeth were randomly divided into four groups (n = 24), and the following restorations were fabricated: Metal-ceramic crowns (Control group) (Group CG); monolithic zirconia crowns (GC initial) (Group MZ1); monolithic zirconia crowns (InCoris TZI),(Group MZ2); bilayered zirconia crowns, cores (InCoris ZI) veneered with a low-fusing glass-ceramic (IPS Emax Ceram),(Group BZ). Internal and marginal adaptations were evaluated using the silicone replica technique. A total of 20 points were recorded for every tooth under the light microscope at 20x magnifications. Results were compared using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the posthoc Tukey's test at a significance level of 0.01.
CG、MZ1、MZ2、BZクラウン間のマージナルギャップ、マージナル・インターナルギャップ、アキシャルギャップ、咬合隙間は、統計的に有意な差を示した(P < 0.01)。
RESULTS: Marginal, marginal-internal, axial, and occlusal gaps between CG, MZ1, MZ2, and BZ crowns showed statistically significant differences (P < 0.01).
CONCLUSION: Monolithic zirconia groups showed better marginal adaptation compared with the veneered zirconia crowns.