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Orthod Craniofac Res.2024 Aug;27(4):544-551.


Comparison of the efficiency of initial dental alignment with Invisalign® aligners changed every 7 or 14 days in mature adults: Randomized clinical trial.

PMID: 38321815




OBJECTIVE: To compare the anterior crowding correction after sequential use of the first 5 aligners between two aligner exchange protocols (7 and 14 days) in mature adult patients.


インビザラインによる矯正治療を受けた35歳以上の患者36名を、2つの異なるアライナー交換プロトコルに無作為に割り付けた:グループ1:7日ごとに交換(n=18)、グループ2:14日ごとに交換(n=18)。全患者にiTero Element 5D® (Align Technology)を用いて、治療前(T1)と最初の5本のアライナーを使用した後(T2)の2回に分けてスキャンを行いました。Little's Irregularity Index (LII)とアーチ幅は、OrthoCADソフトウェアで評価した。グループ内およびグループ間の比較は、従属および独立t検定で行った。結果はP<.05で有意とした。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-six patients over 35 years who received orthodontic treatment with Invisalign® were randomly allocated to two different aligner replacement sequence protocols: Group 1: exchange every 7 days (n = 18); and Group 2: exchange every 14 days (n = 18). All patients were scanned with iTero Element 5D® (Align Technology) in two treatment times: at pre-treatment (T1) and after using the first five aligners (T2). Little's Irregularity Index (LII) and arch widths were evaluated with OrthoCAD software. Intra and intergroup comparisons were performed with the dependent and independent t-tests. The results were considered significant for P < .05.


35名の患者が研究を完了した。両群の上顎および下顎のIrregularity IndexesiはT2において有意に低かった。犬歯間距離、小臼歯間距離、大臼歯間距離には有意差はなかった。G2(14日間)はG1(7日間)に比べ、下顎の不規則性の減少が大きかった。

RESULTS: Thirty-five patients completed the study. Both groups' maxillary and mandibular Irregularity Indexesi were significantly lower at T2. There was no significant difference in inter-canine, inter-premolar, and intermolar distances. G2 (14 days) presented a greater decrease in mandibular irregularity than G1 (7 days).



CONCLUSION: Both exchange protocols (7 and 14 days) effectively correct anterior crowding in the initial phase of orthodontic treatment with aligners in mature adult patients. However, the 14-day exchange protocol provided a greater correction in mandibular anterior crowding in the evaluated period than the 7-day exchange protocol.