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BMC Oral Health.2024 Feb;24(1):209.


Efficacy of an experimental toothpaste containing sodium bicarbonate, sodium hyaluronate and sodium fluoride on gingivitis.

PMID: 38336635




BACKGROUND: Gingivitis is driven by plaque accumulation and, if left untreated, can progress to irreversible periodontitis. For many, the mechanical action of toothbrushing does not achieve adequate plaque control. The aim of this study was to investigate whether twice-daily use of a toothpaste containing 0.2% high molecular weight (HMW) sodium hyaluronate with 67% sodium bicarbonate and 0.221% sodium fluoride (experimental toothpaste) could improve gingival health compared with a regular fluoride toothpaste (negative control). The study also assessed whether the experimental toothpaste could provide additive gingival health benefit over a toothpaste containing only 67% sodium bicarbonate and 0.221% sodium fluoride (positive control).


本試験は、軽度から中等度の歯肉炎を有する健常成人を対象とした単施設、試験官盲検、無作為化、臨床試験である。ベースライン時、12時間歯磨きを中止した後、参加予定者は口腔軟組織(OST)および口腔硬組織の診査を受け、その後歯肉の炎症(Modified Gingival Index [MGI])、歯肉出血(Bleeding Index [BI])、歯肉上プラーク(Turesky Plaque Index [TPI])の評価を受けた。参加資格は、性別とベースラインの出血部位数(低い:45未満、高い:45以上の出血部位)によって層別化した。無作為化後、参加者は予防的歯科治療を受けた。参加者は、製品使用3日後、1週間後、2週間後、6週間後に、完全なOST検査、MGI、BI、TPI評価を受けた。

METHODS: This was a single-center, examiner-blinded, randomized, clinical study in healthy adults with mild-to-moderate gingivitis. At baseline, after abstaining from toothbrushing for 12 h, prospective participants underwent oral soft tissue (OST) and oral hard tissue examination followed by assessments for gingival inflammation (Modified Gingival Index [MGI]), gingival bleeding (Bleeding Index [BI]), and supra-gingival plaque (Turesky Plaque Index [TPI]). Eligible participants were stratified by gender and baseline number of bleeding sites (low: <45; high: ≥45 bleeding sites). Following randomization, participants underwent prophylactic dental treatment. Participants received a full OST examination, MGI, BI and TPI assessments after 3 days, 1, 2 and 6 weeks of product use.



RESULTS: In total, 110 participants were screened for study entry and all were randomized to receive one of three toothpastes (experimental: sodium hyaluronate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium fluoride; positive control: sodium bicarbonate, sodium fluoride; negative control: regular fluoride toothpaste). For all measures, significant improvements were observed in participants receiving either sodium bicarbonate-containing toothpaste (experimental or positive control) compared with the regular fluoride toothpaste (negative control) at week 6. No significant difference was observed in any assessment or visit comparing the experimental toothpaste with the positive control.



CONCLUSIONS: Both the experimental and the positive control toothpastes demonstrated clinically relevant improvements in gingival health compared with a regular fluoride toothpaste (negative control). However, no additional gingival health improvement was observed for the experimental toothpaste compared with the positive control, therefore, no additional gingival health benefit can be attributed to the inclusion of sodium hyaluronate in this formulation.


ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:NCT04737538 (04/02/2021).

TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04737538 (04/02/2021).