Effects of maternal anxiety and sociodemographic factors on fluoride knowledge and opinions about fluoride-containing oral products. A cross-sectional study.
PMID: 38353509
AIM: To assess the relationship between maternal anxiety and so- cioeconomic status, focusing on mothers' knowledge of fluoride and their views on fluoride-containing oral products.
224 組の母子を対象とした横断的研究デザインにおいて、母親の社会経済的状態、フッ化物に関する知識レベル、フッ化物配合歯磨剤およびフッ化物配合外用ゲル・ワニスに対する考え方を自記式質問紙により評価した。母親の不安レベルはSpielberg State-Trait Anxiety Inventoryを用いて測定した。
METHODS: In a cross-sectional study design involving 224 mother- child pairs, mothers' socioeconomic status, level of knowledge on fluoride, and perspectives on fluoride toothpaste and topical fluoride gel/varnish were assessed through self-administered questionnaires. Maternal anxiety levels were measured using the Spielberg State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.
CONCLUSION: Mothers with higher socioeconomic status had a greater level of knowledge regarding fluoride. However, higher socio- economic status was associated with having negative opinions about fluoride gel/varnish. No relationship was found between mothers' anxiety levels and their perspectives toward fluoride toothpaste and topical fluoride gel/varnish. The general public should be informed about optimum fluoride dosage, possible side effects, and caries- preventive effects. More studies are required to evaluate the causes of negative thoughts about topical fluoride oral products.