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Dent Mater.2024 Apr;40(4):619-628.


Clinical evaluation of posterior restorations over wet and dry dentin using an etch-and-rinse adhesive: A 36-month randomized clinical trial.

PMID: 38369403




OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the clinical performance of posterior restorations over wet and dry dentin with an etch-and-rinse adhesive after 36 months of clinical service.


45名の参加者を募集し、各自が修復を必要とする臼歯を2本以上有していた。90本の修復物がクラスIまたはクラスIIの窩洞に装着された。修復プロトコールでは、簡易エッチング&リンス接着剤(アドパーシングルボンド2)を湿潤象牙質(WD)または乾燥象牙質(DD)上に塗布し、その後ラバーダム隔離下でバルクフィルコンポジット(フィルテックバルクフィル)で修復した。各修復物は、臨床使用6ヵ月後、12ヵ月後、36ヵ月後に、世界歯科連盟(FDI)の基準を用いて、以下の主要な修復物の特性について評価した:術後知覚過敏、辺縁変色、辺縁順応、材料の破折と保持、う蝕の再発。統計解析にはKruskal Wallis分散順位分析(α=0.05)およびKaplan-Meier生存分析を用いた。

METHODS: Forty-five participants were recruited, each one had at least two posterior teeth that needed restoration. Ninety restorations were placed on Class I or Class II cavities. For the restoration protocol, a simplified etch-and-rinse adhesive (Adper Single Bond 2) was applied over wet (WD) or dry dentin (DD) and later restored with a bulk-fill composite (Filtek Bulk Fill) under rubber dam isolation. Each restoration was evaluated using the World Dental Federation (FDI) criteria after 6, 12, and 36 months of clinical service, regarding the following principal restoration characteristics: postoperative sensitivity, marginal discoloration, marginal adaptation, fracture of material and retention, and recurrence of caries. Kruskal Wallis analysis of variance rank (α = 0.05) and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis were used for statistical analysis.



RESULTS: After 36 months of clinical evaluation, no significant difference between groups was observed in each FDI criterion (p > 0.05). Twenty restorations (WD=10, DD=10) showed minor marginal staining, and twenty-two restorations (WD=11, DD=11) presented small marginal adaptation defects (p > 0.05). Four restorations were lost (WD = 2, DD = 2) and the fracture rates (95% confidence interval) were 94.9% for each one, without significant difference between wet and dry dentin (p > 0.05).



SIGNIFICANCE: The degree of dentin moisture does not seem to affect the clinical performance of a simplified etch-and-rinse adhesive in posterior restorations when the adhesive is applied vigorously over the dentine surface.