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JPRAS Open.2024 Mar;39:291-302.


Impact of nutrition on skin wound healing and aesthetic outcomes: A comprehensive narrative review.

PMID: 38370002




BACKGROUND: While current wound treatment strategies often focus on antimicrobials and topical agents, the role of nutrition in wound healing and aesthetic outcomes is crucial but frequently overlooked. This review assesses the impact of specific nutrients and preoperative nutritional status on surgical outcomes.


PubMed、Scopus、Web of Science、およびCochrane Libraryにおいて、研究開始から2023年10月までの包括的検索を実施した。本研究では、大栄養素および微量栄養素が美容転帰に及ぼす影響、術前の栄養状態の最適化、および栄養状態と術後合併症との関連に焦点を当てた。包含基準は、皮膚の創傷治癒および美容転帰に対する栄養の影響に関連する英語の査読付き論文、系統的レビュー、メタアナリシス、および臨床試験とした。除外基準には、英語以外の出版物、査読のない論文、オピニオンピース、動物実験を含めた。

METHODS: A comprehensive search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library, from the inception of the study to October 2023. The study focused on the influence of macronutrients and micronutrients on aesthetic outcomes, the optimization of preoperative nutritional status, and the association between nutritional status and postoperative complications. Inclusion criteria were English language peer-reviewed articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and clinical trials related to the impact of nutrition on skin wound healing and aesthetic outcomes. Exclusion criteria included non-English publications, non-peer-reviewed articles, opinion pieces, and animal studies.



RESULTS: Omega-3 fatty acids and specific amino acids were linked to enhanced wound-healing and immune function. Vitamins A, B, and C and zinc positively influenced healing stages, while vitamin E showed variable results. Polyphenolic compounds showed anti-inflammatory effects beneficial for recovery. Malnutrition was associated with increased postoperative complications and infections, whereas preoperative nutritional support correlated with reduced hospital stays and complications.



CONCLUSION: Personalized nutritional plans are essential in surgical care, particularly for enhanced recovery after surgery protocols. Despite the demonstrated benefits of certain nutrients, gaps in research, particularly regarding elements such as iron, necessitate further studies. Nutritional assessments and interventions are vital for optimal preoperative care, underscoring the need for more comprehensive guidelines and research in nutritional management for surgical patients.