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Saudi Dent J.2024 Jan;36(1):84-90.


Clinical and psychological impact of lip repositioning surgery in the management of excessive gingival display.

PMID: 38375390




BACKGROUND: Excessive gingival display (EGD), also known as a gummy smile, is characterized by overexposure of the maxillary gingiva on smiling. EGD can cause embarrassment and reduce patient satisfaction. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical and psychological effects of lip repositioning surgery on the management of EGD.


この実験的研究では、唇の位置変更術を受けたEGD患者14名を登録した。この術式は、粘膜2片を上顎唇小帯に移動し、新しい粘膜縁を冠状に位置変更するものである。術前と術後6ヵ月目に、歯肉表示の程度(GD)、唇の可動性(LM)、全唇長(TLL)、唇長(LL)、内唇長(ILL)を測定した。術前の心理学的評価はsocial appearance anxiety scale(SAAS)スコアを用いて行い、術後の評価は術後1週間、3ヵ月、6ヵ月にSAASスコアとvisual analog scale(VAS)スコアを用いて行った。

METHODOLOGY: This experimental study enrolled 14 patients with EGD who had undergone a modified lip repositioning technique, which comprised moving two strips of mucosa bilaterally to the maxillary labial frenum and repositioning the new mucosal margin coronally. The extent of gingival display (GD), lip mobility (LM), total lip length (TLL), lip length (LL), and internal lip length (ILL) was measured at baseline and 6 months postoperatively. The pre-operative psychological assessment was conducted using the social appearance anxiety scale (SAAS) scores, whereas the postoperative assessment was conducted using SAAS and visual analog scale (VAS) scores at 1 week, 3 months, and 6 months postoperatively.



RESULTS: Among the clinical parameters, TLL increased by 2.0 ± 1.038, LL increased by 2.28 ± 0.99, ILL reduced by 2.78 ± 1.36, LM reduced by 3.21 ± 1.12, and GD reduced by 3.14 ± 0.77 at 6 months postoperatively. Among the psychological parameters, SAAS reduced by 31.42 ± 1.907 from the baseline to 6 months, whereas the VAS score reduced to 3.14 ± 0.27 at 6 months postoperatively.



CONCLUSION: A significant reduction in GD, which is largely dependent on strict case selection, pain, and social anxiety was observed in this study, indicating that lip repositioning surgery is effective in managing EGD.