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BMC Oral Health.2024 Feb;24(1):258.

実体顕微鏡による4種類の根管シーラーの封鎖能の評価:in-vitro study

Stereomicroscopic evaluation of sealing ability of four different root canal sealers: an in-vitro study.

PMID: 38378554




AIM: To compare and evaluate the sealing ability of four different commercially available sealers to provide seal against the dye penetration test using a stereomicroscope-an in-vitro study.


80本の単根下顎小臼歯(単管)を用いた。試料はシーラーによって4群(各20本)に分けられた。グループI(Diaproseal)、グループII(apexit Plus)、グループIII(MTA Fillapex)、グループIV(Bio-C)。サンプルは実体顕微鏡を用いて分析し、データ分析は一元配置アノバとポストホックTukeyの検定で行った。

MATERIAL/METHOD: 80 extracted single rooted mandibular premolar with single canal were used in this study. The samples were divided in 4 groups (20 in each) based on sealer. Group I (Diaproseal), Group II (apexit Plus), Group III (MTA Fillapex) and Group IV (Bio-C). The samples were analyzed using a stereomicroscope and data analysis was done with one-way Anova And post hoc Tukey's test.


染料浸透スコアの平均は、I群で1.2400±0.778mm、II群で2.6000±0.897mm、III群で4.2000±0.923mm、IV群で4.225±2.055mmであった。一元配置Anova解析によると、グループ間比較は4グループ間で統計的に有意であった。Tukeyのpost hoc検定によると、III群とIV群の差は統計的に有意ではなかった。

RESULT: The mean dye penetration score was 1.2400 ± 0.778 mm for Group I. 2.6000 ± 0.897 mm for Group II, 4.2000 ± 0.923 mm for Group III and 4.225 ± 2.055 mm for Group IV. One-way Anova analysis shows that intergroup comparison was statistically significant between the four groups. The post hoc Tukey's test reveals that the difference was statistically non-significant between group III and group IV.


4つのグループの中で、グループI(Diaproseal)が最も色素浸透性が低く、次いでグループII(Apexit Pus)、グループIII(MTA Fillapex)、グループIV(Bio-C)の順であり、グループIII(MTA Fillapex)とグループIV(Bio-C)の間に有意差はなかったと結論づけられた。

CONCLUSION: It was concluded that between the four groups the Group I (Diaproseal) showed the least dye penetration followed by Group II (Apexit Pus), Group III (MTA Fillapex) and then Group IV (Bio-C), where there was no significant difference between the Group III (MTA Fillapex) and Group IV (Bio-C).