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Infect Drug Resist.2024;17:665-672.


Two Cases of Superficial Fungal Infection Caused by Non-Albicans Species Manifest Greenish-black Discoloration.

PMID: 38405052



The clinical manifestation of superficial candidiasis varies depending on the infectious sites and causative species that brings a great challenge to diagnose or treat without mycological or pathological evidence in clinical settings. Oral mucosal candidiasis and onychomycosis are most common types of superficial candidiasis. Typically, oral mucosal candidiasis manifests as white or erythematous thrush coated on the tongue and other interior oral cavity; and onychomycosis caused by spp. presents with thick, fragile, or cracked fingernails or toenails in yellow or white discoloration. Here, we report one case of patient with a black hairy tongue caused by and one case of greenish discolored onychomycosis caused by . The cases of superficial candidiasis with the same discolored lesions were searched in literature and compared with our cases in clinical manifestation, causative pathogen and treatment. These cases highlight the importance of mycological diagnosis for identifying non- species (NCAC) in superficial infections to guide an effective therapy.