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Clin Oral Implants Res.2024 Feb;


Mechanical stability of posterior implant-supported monolithic zirconia cantilever on titanium-base abutments. An in vitro study.

PMID: 38415804




PURPOSE: Investigate survival and technical complications of two-unit posterior implant-supported cantilever made of monolithic zirconia on titanium-base abutments (Zr-TiB) vs. porcelain-fused-to-metal on castable gold abutments (PFM-GA) using two different implant connections, internal butt-joint (IBJ) and internal conical (IC).


48本のインプラント(直径4.3mm)を4つのグループ(n=12)に分け、2つの異なる材料(Zr-TiB vs. PFM-GA)と2つの接続タイプ(IBJ vs. IC)で2ユニットの下顎前臼歯カンチレバーを支持した。試験群は以下の通りである:(1)IBJ/Zr-TiB、(2)IBJ/PFM-GA、(3)IC/Zr-TiB、(4)IC/PFM-GA。試験片は、ポンティックに咬合軸荷重をかけながら熱機械熟成(1,200,000サイクル、98N、5~55℃)させた。破局的事象と非破局的事象を記録し、エージング前後の除去トルク値を測定した。エージングを経た試験片は、破折するまで荷重をかけた。生存率、総複合率、トルク損失(%)、および曲げモーメントを算出した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-eight implants (4.3 mm diameter) were divided into four groups (n = 12) to support 2-unit mandibular premolar cantilevers with two different materials (Zr-TiB vs. PFM-GA) and two connection types (IBJ vs. IC). Tested groups were as follows: (1) IBJ/Zr-TiB; (2) IBJ/PFM-GA; (3) IC/Zr-TiB; and (4) IC/PFM-GA. Specimens were thermomechanical aged (1,200,000 cycles, 98 N, 5-55°C) with occlusal axial load on the pontic. Catastrophic and non-catastrophic events were registered, and removal torque values measured before and after aging. Specimens surviving aging were subjected to loading until failure. Survival, total complication rates, torque loss (%), and bending moments were calculated.


48個の試験片のうち、38個が老化を免れた。生存率は16.7%(IC/PFM-GA)から100%(IBJ/Zr-TiB; IBJ/PFM-GA; IC/Zr-TiB)まで有意に変化した(p<.01)。インターナル・コニカル・コネクションでは、インターナル・バット・ジョイント(IBJ/Zr-TiB-44%;IBJ/PFM-GA-46%)と比較して、トルク損失が有意に高かった(IC/ZrTiB-67%)(p<.01)。曲げモーメントは、内部円錐形よりも内部バットジョイント接続の方が高かった(p<.05)。

RESULTS: From 48 specimens, 38 survived aging. Survival rates significantly varied from 16.7% (IC/PFM-GA) to 100% (IBJ/Zr-TiB; IBJ/PFM-GA; IC/Zr-TiB) (p < .01). Internal conical connection revealed significantly higher torque loss (IC/ZrTiB - 67%) compared to internal butt-joint (IBJ/Zr-TiB - 44%; IBJ/PFM-GA - 46%) (p < .01). Bending moments were higher in internal butt-joint connections than in internal conical (p < .05).



CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Two-unit posterior implant-supported cantilever FDPs replacing mandibular premolars composed of monolithic zirconia on titanium-base abutments demonstrated higher mechanical stability compared to porcelain-fused-to-metal on castable gold abutments in this in vitro study. The internal conical connection combined with porcelain-fused-to-metal on gold abutments revealed a high number of failures; therefore, their clinical use may be considered cautiously for this indication.