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Trials.2024 Mar;25(1):167.


Effect of bottled fluoridated water to prevent dental caries in primary teeth: study protocol for a phase 2 parallel-group 3.5-year randomized controlled clinical trial (waterBEST).

PMID: 38443989




BACKGROUND: Fluoridation of public water systems is known as a safe and effective strategy for preventing dental caries based on evidence from non-randomized studies. Yet 110 million Americans do not have access to a fluoridated public water system and many others do not drink tap water. This article describes the study protocol for the first randomized controlled trial (RCT) of fluoridated water that assesses its potential dental caries preventive efficacy when delivered in bottles.


waterBESTは、生後4年間のう蝕罹患を予防するための、フッ素添加ボトル入り飲料水と非フッ素添加ボトル入り飲料水の潜在的有効性を評価するためにデザインされた、第2b相概念実証、無作為化、四重マスク、プラセボ対照、並行群間比較試験である。米国ノースカロライナ州東部に居住し、スクリーニング時に生後2~6ヵ月であった200人の小児を、地元の2つの公共水道から供給されるフッ素添加(0.7mg/L F)または非フッ素添加のボトル入り飲料水に1:1の割合で無作為に割り付けた。3.5年間の介入期間中、試験水は5ガロン入りのボトルで毎月各家庭に届けられ、子供が飲料水や調理に水を使用する際には必ず使用するよう指示される。両親には四半期ごとに面談を行い、子供たちの水の消費量と健康状態をモニターする。年1回の訪問時には、歯科検診でむし歯の有無を評価する。総フッ化物摂取量のバイオマーカーとしてフッ化物含有量を定量するために、爪と足の爪の切り抜きを採取する。主要評価項目は、小児の4歳の誕生日付近に調査歯科医によって測定された、う蝕によって崩壊、欠損、充填された乳歯の表面数である。むし歯は、巨視的なエナメル質喪失の閾値で評価する。主目的については、最小二乗一般化線形モデルにより、有効性とその片側80%信頼上限を推定する。

METHODS: waterBEST is a phase 2b proof-of-concept, randomized, quadruple-masked, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial designed to estimate the potential efficacy of fluoridated versus non-fluoridated bottled water to prevent dental caries incidence in the first 4 years of life. Two hundred children living in eastern North Carolina, USA, and aged 2-6 months at screening are being allocated at random in a 1:1 ratio to receive fluoridated (0.7 mg/L F) or non-fluoridated bottled water sourced from two local public water systems. Throughout the 3.5-year intervention, study water is delivered monthly in 5-gallon bottles to each child's home with instructions to use it whenever the child consumes water as a beverage or in food preparation. Parents are interviewed quarterly to monitor children's water consumption and health. At annual visits, the presence of dental caries is evaluated with a dental screening examination. Clippings from fingernails and toenails are collected to quantify fluoride content as a biomarker of total fluoride intake. The primary endpoint is the number of primary tooth surfaces decayed, missing, or filled due to dental caries measured by the study dentist near the time of the child's fourth birthday. Tooth decay is assessed at the threshold of macroscopic enamel loss. For the primary aim, a least-squares, generalized linear model will estimate efficacy and its one-tailed, upper 80% confidence limit.



DISCUSSION: waterBEST is the first evaluation of a randomized intervention of fluoridated drinking water in bottles to prevent dental caries in the primary dentition. This innovative method of delivering fluoridated water has the potential to prevent early childhood caries in a large segment of the US population that currently does not benefit from fluoridated public water.


ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04893681。2022年3月登録。最終更新は2023年10月10日。https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04893681?cond=Dental%20Caries%20in%20Children&term=fluoride&locStr=North%20Carolina,%20USA&country=United%20States&state=North%20Carolina&distance=50&rank=1。

TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04893681. Registered on March 2022. Last update posted on 10 October 2023. https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04893681?cond=Dental%20Caries%20in%20Children&term=fluoride&locStr=North%20Carolina,%20USA&country=United%20States&state=North%20Carolina&distance=50&rank=1.