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Restor Dent Endod.2024 Feb;49(1):e10.


YouTube as a source of information about rubber dam: quality and content analysis.

PMID: 38449493




OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the content, quality and demographics of YouTube videos about rubber dam as an information source for clinicians and dental students.


ラバーダムに関連するYouTube動画を検出するためのキーワードとして、"ラバーダム"、"ラバーダム応用"、"歯科隔離"、"ラバーダム隔離"、"歯科ダム "を決定した。73の動画が評価され、合計34の動画が包含基準を満たした。選択されたすべての動画は、8つのパラメータに従って評価された。動画に選択されたパラメータに関する情報が含まれている場合はスコア1とし、動画に十分な情報が含まれていない場合はスコア0とした。データは分散分析とTukey検定(< 0.05)を用いて統計的に分析した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: "Rubber dam," "rubber dam application," "dental isolation," "rubber dam isolation," and "dental dam" were determined as keywords for the detection of YouTube videos related to rubber dam. Seventy 3 videos were evaluated and a total of 34 videos met the inclusion criteria. All selected videos were evaluated according to 8 parameters. The videos were scored 1 if the videos contained information about the selected parameter, but if the videos did not contain enough information, they were scored 0. The data were statistically analyzed with the analysis of variance and Tukey test ( < 0.05).


ビデオの41%が情報不足、47%が中程度、12%が情報良好であることがわかった。情報の質が低いものと良いものの間には、統計的に有意な時間差がある(< 0.05)。ビデオの情報量と品質指数1では、悪い情報と良い情報の間に統計的に有意な差があった。

RESULTS: We found that 41% of the videos have poor, 47% have moderate, and 12% have good information. There is a statistically significant difference in time between poor and good information content ( < 0.05). There is a statistically significant difference between the poor and good information in the video information and quality index 1.



CONCLUSIONS: Rubber dam-related videos available on YouTube are generally moderately informed and insufficient. YouTube is currently not sufficient as a source of information for patients and clinicians at the moment. The YouTube platform should be developed and enriched with quality information on current and dental issues.