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Orthod Craniofac Res.2024 Mar;


Boundary of mandibular molar distalization in orthodontic treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

PMID: 38462853


下顎後臼歯スペース長(MRSL)、初期歯根-内側皮質接触率(IRCCP)、下顎大臼歯遠位化に影響を及ぼす様々な要因を探る。PubMed、EMBASE、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、Scopus、および灰色文献(Google ScholarおよびOpenGrey)を検索し、健康な成人患者におけるMRSLおよびIRCCPを測定する適格な横断観察研究を探した。バイアスのリスクとエビデンスの質は、Joanna Briggs InstituteのチェックリストとGRADEの枠組みを用いて評価した。1169人の患者を含む13の研究が質的統合の対象となった。これらの研究のうち7件が定量的解析の対象となった。メタ分析の結果、アジア人の正常乖離症例における毛包下6mm平面の平均MRSLは、骨格性クラスI不正咬合で3.78mm(95%信頼区間[CI]:2.81-4.35;I =79.7%)、クラスIIで3.02mm(95%CI:2.10-3.94;I =62.5%)、クラスIIIで4.43mm(95%CI:3.14-5.73;I =75.1%)であった。アジア人、Class-I、正常乖離症例のCEJ-10mm面における平均MRSLは3.28mm(95%CI:2.44-4.12;I =68.9%)であった。アジア人、Class-I、正常乖離症例の平均IRCCPは27.2%(95%CI:0.22-0.32;I =0%)であった。アジア人正常乖離症例では、MRSLは3.28~4.43mmで、Class-IのIRCCPは27.2%であった。特に大臼歯遠位化術前の歯尖部MRSLの測定には、コーンビームCT撮影が推奨される。MRSLとIRCCPに影響を与える要因には、人種、骨格パターン、顔面タイプ、第三大臼歯の状態などがある。

To explore the mandibular retromolar space length (MRSL), initial root-inner cortex contact percentage (IRCCP), and the various factors that influence mandibular molar distalization. Searches were undertaken in PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and grey literature (Google Scholar and OpenGrey) for eligible cross-sectional observational studies measuring the MRSL and IRCCP in healthy adult patients. The risk of bias and evidence quality were evaluated using the Joanna Briggs Institute's checklist and GRADE framework. Thirteen studies involving 1169 patients were included for qualitative synthesis. Seven of these studies were eligible for quantitative analysis. Meta-analysis showed that the mean MRSL at the subfurcation-6 mm plane in Asian normodivergent cases was 3.78 mm (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.81-4.35; I  = 79.7%) for skeletal Class-I malocclusions, 3.02 mm (95% CI: 2.10-3.94; I  = 62.5%) for Class-II, and 4.43 mm (95% CI: 3.14-5.73; I  = 75.1%) for Class-III. The mean MRSL at the sub-cementoenamel junction (CEJ)-10 mm plane for Asian, Class-I, normodivergent cases was 3.28 mm (95% CI: 2.44-4.12; I  = 68.9%). The mean IRCCP for Asian, Class-I, normodivergent cases was 27.2% (95% CI: 0.22-0.32; I  = 0%). In Asian normodivergent cases, MRSL ranges from 3.28 to 4.43 mm with a 27.2% IRCCP for Class-I. Cone-beam computed tomography imaging is recommended for measuring the MRSL in the apex region particularly before molar distalization. Factors influencing MRSL and IRCCP include different races, skeletal patterns, facial types, and third-molar status.