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J Dent.2024 May;144:104943.


Trueness and precision of an intraoral scanner on abutments with subgingival vertical margins: An in vitro study.

PMID: 38494043



本研究の目的は、自由歯肉縁下2深さの垂直プレパラートを有する歯牙支台における口腔内スキャナー(IOS - Medit i700)の精度を評価し、IOSが試験されたプレパラート形状の仕上げ面を超える領域を再現できるかどうかを判定することである。

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of an intraoral scanner (IOS - Medit i700) on tooth abutments with vertical preparations at 2 depths below the free gingival margin, and to determine if the IOS can reproduce the area beyond the finish surface of the tested preparation geometry.


上顎第一大臼歯用の2つのアバットメントをCADソフトウェアで設計し、垂直プレパラートを歯肉縁下1mmと2mmに設定した。これらのアバットメントをレジンで印刷し、基準模型に装着した。参照用ファイルは、これらのアバットメントを測定機でスキャンしたものである。各サンプルに試験したIOSを装着して10回のスキャンを行い、2つの研究グループを作成した。実験グループのスキャン画像には、歯肉縁下1mmの垂直埋入を "V-1″、下2mmの埋入を "V-2″と表示した。これらのスキャンの解析は、Geomagic Control X(3D SYSTEMS)を用いて行い、その真正性とµm単位の精度を評価した。グループ間の差異を確認するために、独立標本検定とともに95%の信頼区間を持つ記述統計が採用された(α=0.05)。

METHODS: Two abutments for a maxillary first molar were designed by means of CAD software, with vertical preparations set at 1 and 2 mm below the gingiva. These abutments were subsequently printed in resin and placed on a reference model. The reference files consisted of scans made using a metrological machine on these abutments. Ten scans were made with the tested IOS on each sample, resulting in two study groups. The scans from the experimental groups were labeled "V-1″ for vertical preparation at 1 mm below the gingival margin and "V-2″ for 2 mm below. The analysis of these scans was performed using Geomagic Control X (3D SYSTEMS) to assess their trueness and precision in µm. Descriptive statistics with a 95 % confidence interval were employed, alongside independent sample tests, to ascertain any differences between the groups (α=0.05).



RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were not found both for trueness (p=.104) and precision (p=.409), between the tested geometries. The mean values for trueness were V-1 = 37.5[31.4-43.6]; V-2 = 32.6[30.6-34.6]. About the precision, the mean values were V-1 = 20.5[8.4-32.5]; V-2 = 18.4[8.2-28.5]. In both the study groups, it was possible to detect the surface beyond the finish area.



CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, vertical preparation design allows for registration of the tooth anatomy beyond the finish area with IOS. Moreover, the mean accuracy values were clinically acceptable at both 1 and 2 mm below the gingival margin.