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J Periodontol.2024 Jun;95(6):535-549.


Efficacy of photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to scaling and root planing on clinical parameters and microbial composition in subgingival plaque of periodontitis patients: A split-mouth randomized clinical trial.

PMID: 38501762




BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of photodynamic therapy (PDT) as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) on clinical parameters and microbial composition in subgingival plaque of periodontitis patients.


この口分割無作為化臨床試験には17名の患者を組み入れた。プロービングポケットデプス(PPD)が5mm以上で、異なる象限でプロービング時に出血を認めた部位を、対照群、SRP直後にPDTを1回行う群、SRPの1週間後にPDTを3回繰り返す群に無作為に割り付けた。ベースライン時、2週目、8週目に16S rRNA遺伝子配列決定のために歯肉縁下プラークを採取した。

METHODS: Seventeen patients were included in this split-mouth randomized clinical trial. Sites with probing pocket depth (PPD) ≥5 mm in combination with bleeding on probing in different quadrants were randomized into the control group, the group with a single PDT application right after SRP, and the group with three repeated PDT applications 1 week after SRP. The subgingival plaque was collected for 16S rRNA gene sequencing at baseline, Week 2, and Week 8.



RESULTS: Seventeen patients with 60 sites completed this 8-week follow-up, and 157 subgingival plaques were successfully analyzed by sequencing. Significant improvements were observed in two primary outcomes: PPD at Week 8 and subgingival microbial composition. Compared to the control group, the repeated-PDT group showed a notable improvement in PPD, substantial alterations in the microbial profile, including a reduction in α-diversity and anaerobic bacteria, and an increase in aerobic bacteria at Week 2. Secondary outcomes, such as clinical attachment level and sulcus bleeding index, also showed improvement at Week 8. Furthermore, both the single- and repeated-PDT groups exhibited a decrease in periodontopathogens and an increase in beneficial bacteria compared with baseline.



CONCLUSION: PDT promotes changes in the microbial composition of periodontitis patients' subgingival plaque in a direction favorable to periodontal health, and repeated PDT is a promising adjunctive therapy for periodontal treatment.