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J Contemp Dent Pract.2024 Feb;25(2):156-159.


Assessment of the Smear Layer Removal Efficacy of Three Different Agents on Periodontally Compromised Tooth: An Study.

PMID: 38514413




AIM: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the smear layer removal efficacy of three various agents on periodontally compromised tooth.


本研究では、歯周病により抜歯された75本の臼歯を対象とした。A群: スケーリング・ルートプレーニング(SRP)とSofScale剤塗布群、B群: SRPとQMix剤塗布群、C群: SRPとMTAD剤塗布群である:B群:SRPとQMix剤塗布、C群:SRPとMTAD剤塗布。ダイヤモンド丸鋸を使用し、治療部分を水平と垂直に分割した。すべてのサンプルを走査型電子顕微鏡で観察した。すべての歯は、1000倍の倍率で冠状3番目、中間3番目、先端3番目の部分に焦点を合わせた。データは記録され、統計的に分析された。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The current study included 75 molar teeth that were extracted due to periodontal disease. After that, 25 samples were randomly assigned using a simple random technique to the three different agent groups, group A: Scaling and root planing (SRP) and application of SofScale agent, group B: SRP and application of QMix agent, group C: SRP and application of MTAD agent. Using a diamond circular saw, the treated portions were divided into horizontal and vertical halves. All samples were viewed under Scanning Electron Microscope. Every tooth was focused at the coronal third, middle third, and apical third portion with a magnification of 1000×. Data were recorded and statistically analyzed.



RESULTS: The smear layer removal efficacy was more in the QMix agent (3.06 ± ) group followed by MTAD agent (3.28 ± 0.09) and SofScale agent (4.14 ± ) group on the root surface. On intra group comparison, there was a statistically significant difference found in all the intra group agents with all the three levels. On inter group evaluation, at coronal third, there was no significant difference found between the different agents. There was a significant difference found between the different agents at middle and coronal third.



CONCLUSION: On conclusion, the current investigation found that, the root surfaces treated with QMix shown a greater ability to remove smear layers compared to tooth surfaces treated with MTAD and SofScale agent.


SRPのような従来の治療法は、歯石、歯垢、壊死したセメント質を効果的に除去するが、それにもかかわらず、正常な治癒を妨げる可能性のあるスメア層が残る。この問題を克服するために、スメア層を除去するためのルートコンディショニング剤が根面に適用された。しかし、クエン酸のような従来のルートコンディショニング剤には、pHが酸性であるために根の表面を傷つける可能性があるという欠点があった。そのため、研究者たちは、より効果的な生体適合性のある根のコンディショニング剤を探している。この記事の引用方法歯周病に罹患した歯に対する3種類の薬剤の塗抹層除去効果の評価:An o Study.J Contemp Dent Pract 2024;25(2):156-159.

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Conventional therapies such as SRP effectively eliminate calculus, plaque, and necrosed cementum; nevertheless, they leave behind a smear layer that could impede normal healing. In an effort to overcome this, root conditioning agents were applied on the root surface to remove the smear layer. The traditional root conditioning agents such as citric acid have certain disadvantages, though, such as an acidic pH that could harm the root surface. As a result, researchers have been looking for biocompatible root conditioning treatments that are more effective. How to cite this article: Singh DK, BS Raj H, Soans CR, . Assessment of the Smear Layer Removal Efficacy of Three Different Agents on Periodontally Compromised Tooth: An o Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024;25(2):156-159.