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Saudi Dent J.2024 Mar;36(3):451-455.


Effects of glass fibers reinforced and non-reinforced composite resin on fracture behavior of severely destructed primary incisors and restored with post and core system.

PMID: 38525174



EverX FlowまたはGrandio Coreのポストとコアを用い、ファイバーポストの有無にかかわらず、歯冠修復した主切歯の破折抵抗性および破折型を評価すること。

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate fracture resistance and failure type of coronally rehabilitated primary incisors with EverX Flow or Grandio Core post and core with or without fiber post.


48本の抜歯した上顎一次切歯を根管治療し、Metapexで開創した。メタペックスの冠側4mmを除去し、3mmの根管内ポストスペースを形成した。次に、エナメル質冠面と象牙質根面を酸エッチングし、接着剤を塗布して光重合した。歯腔内ポストと高さ2mmのコア築盛材に基づき、検体(n=12)を均等に4群に分けた(I群(EverX Flow)、II群(Grandio Core)、III群(ファイバーポストとEverX Flow)、IV群(ファイバーポストとGrandio Core))。歯冠修復物は、G-aenial Anterior compositeを用いて4mmの高さにファイナライズされ、試験片は破折抵抗性について試験された。破折を誘発するのに必要な力が記録され、破折のタイプが検討された。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-eight extracted maxillary primary incisors were root canal treated and obturated with Metapex. The coronal 4-mm of Metapex was removed to create 3-mm intracanal post space. Next, coronal enamel and radicular dentin surfaces were acid-etched, and a bonding agent was applied and light-cured. Based on intracanal post and 2-mm height core buildup materials, specimens were divided equally (n = 12) into 4 groups as follow; Group I (EverX Flow), Group II (Grandio Core), Group III (Fiber post, and EverX Flow), and Group IV(Fiber post and Grandio Core). The coronal restorations were finalized to 4-mm height using G-aenial Anterior composite and specimens were tested for fracture resistance. Force required to induce fracture was recorded and failure type was examined.


ファイバーポスト群およびEverX Flow群の破折抵抗性は、他の試験群よりも統計学的に有意に高かった。しかし、EverX Flowグループの破壊抵抗は、ファイバーポストおよびGrandio Coreグループの破壊抵抗と統計学的に有意な差は認められなかった。破壊形態については,歯根破折を示した試験片はなく,すべての破壊は良好で修復可能であった.

RESULTS: Fracture resistance of Fiber post and EverX Flow group was statistically significant high than other tested groups. However, fracture resistance of EverX Flow group showed non-statistically significant difference from that of Fiber post and Grandio Core group. Regarding failure type, no specimen presented root fracture, and all failures were favorable and repairable.



CONCLUSION: EverX flow post and core with or without fiber post enhanced fracture resistance of restored primary incisors compared to Grandio Core alone.


ファイバーポストの有無にかかわらず、EverX flow post and coreシステムは、重度に破壊された主切歯に対する有望な修復オプションとなりうる。

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: EverX flow post and core system with or without fiber post could be a promising restorative option for severely destructed primary incisors.