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J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle.2024 Jun;15(3):907-918.


Lack of vitamin D signalling in mesenchymal progenitors causes fatty infiltration in muscle.

PMID: 38533539




BACKGROUND: Recent studies have indicated the importance of muscle quality in addition to muscle quantity in sarcopenia pathophysiology. Intramuscular adipose tissue (IMAT), which originates from mesenchymal progenitors (MPs) in adult skeletal muscle, is a key factor affecting muscle quality in older adults, suggesting that controlling IMAT formation is a promising therapeutic strategy for sarcopenia. However, the molecular mechanism underlying IMAT formation in older adults has not been clarified. We recently found that the vitamin D receptor (VDR) is highly expressed in MPs in comparison to myotubes (P = 0.028, N = 3), indicating a potential role of vitamin D signalling in MPs. In this study, we aimed to clarify the role of vitamin D signalling in MP kinetics, with a focus on adipogenesis.


マウスの骨格筋から単離したMPsを、ビタミンD(1α,25(OH)2D3, 100nM)の有無にかかわらず7日間脂肪分化条件に供し、脂肪形成マーカーの発現に基づいて脂肪形成性を評価した。in vivo解析のために、MPにおけるビタミンDシグナルの欠如がIMAT形成に関与しているかどうかを調べるため、タモキシフェン誘導MP特異的VDR欠損(Vdr)マウスを新たに開発した。筋萎縮を誘導するため、Vdr雄マウスに腓腹筋の腱切開を行い、術後3週目に筋重量、筋繊維断面積、脂肪形成マーカー発現、筋への脂肪浸潤を評価した(N=3-4)。さらに、ビタミンD欠乏がIMAT形成を引き起こすかどうかを調べるため、野生型雄性マウス(3ヶ月齢および20ヶ月齢、N=5)にビタミンD欠乏食を3ヶ月間与えた。

METHODS: MPs isolated from mouse skeletal muscles were subjected to adipogenic differentiation conditions with or without vitamin D (1α,25(OH)2D3, 100 nM) for 7 days, and adipogenicity was evaluated based on adipogenic marker expression. For in vivo analysis, tamoxifen-inducible MP-specific VDR-deficient (Vdr) mice were newly developed to investigate whether lack of vitamin D signalling in MPs is involved in IMAT formation. To induce muscle atrophy, Vdr male mice were subjected to tenotomy of the gastrocnemius muscle, and then muscle weight, myofibre cross-sectional area, adipogenic marker expression, and fatty infiltration into the muscle were evaluated at 3 weeks after operation (N = 3-4). In addition, a vitamin D-deficient diet was provided to wild-type male mice (3 and 20 months of age, N = 5) for 3 months to investigate whether vitamin D deficiency causes IMAT formation.


ビタミンD投与は、PPARγ(P=0.0031)およびC/EBPα(P=0.0027)などの初期脂肪形成因子のRunx1を介した転写修飾を介してMPの脂肪形成をほぼ完全に阻害したが、Vdrマウス由来のVDR欠損MPはビタミンD存在下でも脂肪細胞に分化した(P=0.0044, Oil-Red O area)。in-vitroの所見と一致して、VdrマウスとビタミンD欠乏食を与えたマウスは、それぞれ萎縮した骨格筋(P=0.0311)と老化した骨格筋(P=0.0216)に脂肪沈着を示した。

RESULTS: Vitamin D treatment nearly completely inhibited adipogenesis of MPs through Runx1-mediated transcriptional modifications of early adipogenic factors such as PPARγ (P = 0.0031) and C/EBPα (P = 0.0027), whereas VDR-deficient MPs derived from Vdr mice differentiated into adipocytes even in the presence of vitamin D (P = 0.0044, Oil-Red O area). In consistency with in-vitro findings, Vdr mice and mice fed a vitamin D-deficient diet exhibited fat deposition in atrophied (P = 0.0311) and aged (P = 0.0216) skeletal muscle, respectively.



CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin D signalling is important to prevent fate decision of MPs towards the adipogenic lineage. As vitamin D levels decline with age, our data indicate that decreased vitamin D levels may be one of the causes of IMAT formation in older adults, and vitamin D signalling may be a novel therapeutic target for sarcopenia.