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J Endod.2024 Jul;50(7):982-988.

NiTi製器具の切削能力、表面仕上げ、機械的特性の解析 25/.04:回転と論理 2

Analysis of Cutting Capacity, Surface Finishing, and Mechanical Properties of NiTi Instruments 25/.04: ROTATE and LOGIC 2.

PMID: 38537783



機械化された歯内治療器具の品質を向上させるために、様々な熱処理方法や設計変更が提案されている。しかし,これらの歯内療法用器具を評価すると,微視的な凹凸が認められることがある.本研究の目的は、ニッケルチタン25/.04ローテート(VDW GmbH、ドイツ、ミュンヘン)とLOGIC 2(Easy Equipamentos Odontológicos、ブラジル、ベロオリゾンテ)の切削能力、表面仕上げ、機械的特性を分析することである。

INTRODUCTION: In an effort to enhance the quality of mechanized endodontic instruments, various thermal treatment methods, and design modifications have been suggested. However, upon evaluation, these endodontic instruments may exhibit microscopic irregularities. The objective of this in vitro study was to analyze the cutting capacity, surface finish, and mechanical properties of Nickel-Titanium 25/.04 Rotate (VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany) and LOGIC 2 (Easy Equipamentos Odontológicos, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil) rotary instruments.


20本の回転器具を2つのグループに分けた:GRはROTATEインスツルメントを使用したグループ(n=10)、GL2はLOGIC 2インスツルメントを使用したグループ(n=10)である。プロフィロメーターによる粗さ、万能試験機による曲げ耐性、座屈耐性、切削能力、トルクメーターによるねじり強度(トルクと角度たわみ)を評価した。機械試験前後の器具は、走査型電子顕微鏡で観察した。

METHODOLOGY: Twenty rotary instruments were divided into 2 groups: GR, the group with ROTATE instruments (n = 10); and GL2, the group with LOGIC 2 instruments (n = 10). They were evaluated for roughness, using a profilometer, for bending resistance, buckling resistance, and cutting capacity using a universal testing machine, as well as for torsional strength (torque and angular deflection) using a torquemeter. The instruments were visualized before and after the mechanical tests through scanning electron microscopy.



RESULTS: GR showed better surface finish in terms of roughness, greater cutting capacity, and greater angular deflection than GL2 (P < .05). However, GL2 showed better flexibility than GR (P < .05). GL2 and GR did not show statistically significant differences in terms of buckling and torque (P > .05).


ROTATEとLOGIC 2の回転機器は、耐座屈性と必要な破壊トルクを除き、表面仕上げ、切削能力、機械的性質に違いがあった。

CONCLUSION: The ROTATE and LOGIC 2 rotary instruments differed in their surface finish, cutting capacity, and mechanical properties, except for their buckling resistance and required fracture torque.