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Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg.2024 Mar;46(1):11.


Early oral feeding and its impact on postoperative outcomes in head and neck cancer surgery: a meta-analysis.

PMID: 38538984



早期経口摂取は、フリーフラップを用いた頭頸部再建手術後の術後合併症発症の一因となることが以前に提唱されている。本研究では、これらの患者における経口栄養のタイミング(早期 vs 後期)と術後合併症および入院期間との関連を評価した。

BACKGROUND: Early oral feeding has been previously postulated to contribute to developing postoperative complications following head and neck reconstructive surgeries using free flaps. This study assessed the association between the timing of oral feeding (early vs. late) and postoperative complications and length of hospital stay among these patients.


PubMed、Scopus、Cochrane、Web of Scienceを "経口栄養 "や "頭頸部がん "などの用語を用いて検索した。解析にはRevManソフトウェアバージョン5.4を使用した。本研究では、早期経口摂食を術後5日以内の摂食と定義し、後期経口摂食を術後5日目以降の摂食と定義した。組み入れ基準を満たした5つの論文が解析の対象となり、1097人の患者が登録された。

METHOD: PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane, and Web of Science were searched using terms such as "oral feeding" and "head or neck cancer." We utilized RevMan software version 5.4 for the analysis. The study defined early oral feeding as feeding within 5-day post-operation, while late oral feeding was defined as feeding after the fifth postoperative day. Five papers that met the inclusion criteria were included in the analysis, with 1097 patients.


その結果、早期経口摂取は術後の瘻孔(RR 0.49、95%CI 0.23~1.05、p値=0.07)、血腫/漿液腫(RR 0.71、95%CI 0.33~1.51、p値=0.38)、フラップ不全(RR 0.84、95%CI=0.38~1.87、p値=0.67)と有意な関連は認められなかった。しかし、早期経口栄養は後期経口栄養よりも入院期間の短縮と有意に関連していた(MD -3.18、95%CI -4.90~-1.46、p値=0.0003)。

RESULTS: The results showed that early feeding was not significantly associated with postoperative fistulas (RR 0.49, 95% CI 0.23 to 1.05, p-value = 0.07), hematoma/seroma (RR 0.71, 95% CI 0.33 to 1.51, p-value = 0.38), or flap failure (RR 0.84, 95% CI = 0.38 to 1.87, p-value = 0.67). However, early oral feeding was significantly associated with shorter hospital stays than late oral feeding (MD -3.18, 95% CI -4.90 to -1.46, p-value = 0.0003).



CONCLUSION: No significant difference exists between early and late oral feeding regarding the risk of postoperative complications in head and neck cancer (HNC) patients who underwent free flap reconstruction surgery. However, early oral feeding is significantly associated with a shorter hospital stay than late oral feeding. Thus, surgeons should consider implementing early oral feeding after free flap reconstruction in HNC patients.