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J Clin Pediatr Dent.2024 Mar;48(2):88-92.


The evaluation of effective rate and pain intensity of root canal treatment in primary teeth-a retrospective study.

PMID: 38548637


小児の 2 回根管治療は、3 回根管治療と比較して、来院時間およびバイチェア時間が短縮される。しかし,2 回訪問根管治療が合併症のリスクを増加させるかどうかは明らかではない.本研究では、小児の乳臼歯を対象に、2回来院群と3回来院群の根管治療後の臨床効果および術後の痛みの強さを評価することを目的とした。そこで,小児歯科診療所において慢性歯髄・歯周組織疾患と診断された小児74例の小臼歯をレトロスペクティブに分析したところ,2回来院群37例,3回来院群37例であった.治療後の総有効率と術後疼痛強度を評価し,すべての統計データはSPSSソフトウェアを用いて行った.2回来院群と3回来院群の小児の平均年齢はそれぞれ6.4歳と7.0歳であり,有意差はなかった(=0.056).2回受診群は男性59.5%、女性40.5%、3回受診群は男性56.8%、女性43.2%であった(=0.813)。治療2ヵ月後の有効率は3回受診群で97.30%で、2回受診群(94.59%)をやや上回ったが、有意差はなかった(=0.201)。また、痛みの強さも2回受診群と3回受診群で有意差はなかった(=0.692)。したがって,小児の小臼歯の根管治療において,2回来院群と3回来院群では,根管治療の総有効率および疼痛強度に有意差は認められなかった.

Two-visit root canal treatment for children reduce the time of visits and the by-chair time in comparison with the three-visit root canal treatment. However, it is not clear whether two-visit root canal treatment increase the risk of complications. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical effects and post-operative pain intensity after the root canal treatment between two-visit and three-visit groups in primary molars from children.106 patients were screened for eligibility, of which 74 went back to the preservation visit. Therefore, 74 primary molars from 74 children that diagnosed with chronic pulp and periodontal tissue diseases in the clinics of pediatric dentistry were retrospectively analyzed, in which 37 in the two-visit group and 37 in the three-visit group. The total effective rate and postoperative pain intensity were assessed after treatment and all statistical data were carried out with SPSS software.The average age of children in the two-visit and three-visit groups was 6.4 and 7.0, respectively, with no significant difference ( = 0.056). The two-visit group consisted of 59.5% male and 40.5% female children, while the three-visit group consisted of 56.8% male children and 43.2% female children ( = 0.813). Two months after treatment, the total effective rate in the three-visit group was 97.30%, a little higher than that in the two-visit group (94.59%), but with no significant difference ( = 0.201). Besides, there was also no significant difference in pain intensity between the two-visit and three-visit groups ( = 0.692). Therefore, there were no significant difference of total effective rate and pain intensity in root canal treatment between the two-visit and three-visit groups in primary molars from children.