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Front Oral Health.2024;5:1378566.


Enhancement of innate immunity in gingival epithelial cells by vitamin D and HDAC inhibitors.

PMID: 38567313




INTRODUCTION: The human host defense peptide LL-37 is a component of the innate immune defense mechanisms of the oral cavity against colonization by microbes associated with periodontal disease. We have previously shown that the active form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)D, can induce the expression of LL-37 in gingival epithelial cells (GEC), and prevent the invasion and growth of periopathogenic bacteria in these cells. Further, experimental vitamin D deficiency resulted in increased gingival inflammation and alveolar bone loss. Epidemiological studies have shown associations between vitamin D deficiency and periodontal disease in humans, suggesting application of vitamin D could be a useful therapeutic approach. Further, since we have shown the local activation of vitamin D by enzymes expressed in the GEC, we hypothesized that we could observe this enhancement with the stable, and inexpensive inactive form of vitamin D, which could be further increased with epigenetic regulators.


GECの3次元初代培養を、選択したヒストン脱アセチル化酵素(HDAC)阻害剤の存在下および非存在下で、不活性型ビタミンDで局所的に処理した。LL-37 mRNAレベルを定量的RT-PCRで定量し、細菌の浸潤阻害を蛍光顕微鏡で測定した。

METHODS: We treated 3-dimensional primary cultures of GEC topically with the inactive form of vitamin D, in the presence and absence of selected histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. LL-37 mRNA levels were quantified by quantitative RT-PCR, and inhibition of invasion of bacteria was measured by fluorescence microscopy.


ビタミンD投与はLL-37 mRNAレベルを誘導し、炎症性サイトカインの分泌を抑制した。この効果はHDAC阻害剤によってさらに増強され、HDAC阻害剤である酪酸フェニル(PBA)をビタミンDと併用した場合に最も強く作用した。この効果は溶液中と酪酸ナトリウムを用いたプロトタイプのゲル製剤の両方で観察された。最後に、この併用療法は、歯周病変に関連する細菌および単純ヘルペスウイルスに対する抗菌活性の上昇をもたらした。

RESULTS: Vitamin D treatment led to an induction of LL-37 mRNA levels, as well as an inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion. This effect was further enhanced by HDAC inhibitors, most strongly when the HDAC inhibitor, phenyl butyrate (PBA) was combined with Vitamin D. This was observed both in solution and in a prototype gel formulation using sodium butyrate. Finally, this combination treatment led to an increase in the antimicrobial activity against infection by and , bacteria associated with periodontal lesions, as well as herpes simplex virus, which has also been shown to be associated with periodontal lesions.



CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that a combination of inactive vitamin D and sodium butyrate could be developed as a safe treatment for periodontal disease.