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Clin Oral Investig.2024 Apr;28(4):240.

各種熱可塑性ポリマーシートの熱成形後の引張強さについて、患者の治療前および治療後の上顎模型を用いた比較試験:in vitro試験

A comparative study on tensile strength of various thermoplastic polymers sheets following thermoforming on a pre-treatment and post-treatment maxillary model of a patient: an in vitro study.

PMID: 38570397



熱可塑性ポリマーは、歯科用模型上で熱成形を行うとその機械的性質が変化する。このin vitro研究の目的は、患者の治療前(中程度の叢生)および治療後(整った歯並び)の上顎模型に熱成形した異なる熱可塑性ポリマーシートの引張強さを評価することである。

OBJECTIVES: Thermoplastic polymers show alteration in their mechanical properties after thermoforming on a dental model. The purpose of this in-vitro study was to evaluate the tensile strength of different thermoplastic polymer sheets thermoformed on a pre-treatment (moderate crowding) and post-treatment (well-aligned) maxillary model of a patient.


アルジネートHydrogum 5(Zhermack社製)を用いて複製し、40個の上顎模型(均一な寸法の治療前20個と治療後20個)を作製した。その後、サンプルを5個ずつ8つのグループに分けた。熱可塑性シートImprelon®(Scheu-Dent)、AVAC R®(Jaypee)、Placa Crystal®(BioART)、EZ-VAC®(3A Medes)-1.0mm厚をこれらの模型にそれぞれ熱成形した。ストレートハンドピースに取り付けたセラミックバーを用いてサンプルを取り出し、TINIUS Olsen 10STマイクロ万能試験機を用いて試験を行い、記録した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty maxillary models (Twenty Pre-treatment & twenty Post-treatment of uniform dimension) were made by duplicating them using alginate Hydrogum 5 (Zhermack). Samples were then divided into eight groups of 5 samples each. The thermoplastic sheets Imprelon® (Scheu-Dent), AVAC R® (Jaypee), Placa Crystal® (BioART), EZ-VAC® (3A Medes)-1.0 mm thick were thermoformed on these models respectively. The sample was retrieved using ceramic bur mounted on a straight hand-piece and subjected for testing using TINIUS Olsen 10ST micro universal testing machine and recorded.



RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference (P > .05) in tensile strength of thermoformed thermoplastic polymer sheets between pre-treatment and post-treatment maxillary model. Tensile strength of EZ-VAC (3A Medes) showed higher variation between pre-treatment and post-treatment maxillary model though it was found to be statistically insignificant (P > .05). Significant difference (P < .05) was seen between groups when they were compared separately among pre-treatment and post-treatment models.


前治療群ではPlaca Crystal(BioART)、後治療群ではEZ - VAC(3A Medes)が最も高い引張強さを示した。

CONCLUSION: Placa Crystal (BioART) among the pre-treatment group, EZ - VAC (3A Medes) among the post-treatment group, showed highest tensile strength.



CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of the study highlights the necessity to test materials in conditions which stands in accordance with the clinical scenario to a considerable extent and also emphasizes the need for further study in aligner.