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J Dent.2024 Jun;145:104986.


Learn, unlearn, and relearn post-extraction alveolar socket healing: Evolving knowledge and practices.

PMID: 38574844




OBJECTIVE: This review was to offer a comprehensive analysis of currently available evidence on post-extraction alveolar socket healing, including i) the histological and molecular events during alveolar socket healing, ii) the dimensional ridge alterations after socket healing and controversies relating to sinus pneumatisation, iii) the patient-specific factors, procedural elements, and site-related variables influencing socket healing, iv) techniques and effectiveness of alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) procedure, and v) the philosophies and cost-effectiveness of ARP in clinical practice.


非介助治癒後の歯槽骨稜の寸法プロファイルを調査するため、2024年2月に2名の独立したレビュアーによりシステマティックレビューの概要調査が行われた。2004年から2024年の間に、Pubmed、Embase、Web of science、Cochrane Libraryの4つの電子データベースを検索し、抜歯後治癒に関する関連するシステマティック・レビューをすべて特定した。さらに手作業によるレビューの検索も行った。論文はさらに、関連性を全文レビューした。方法論的質の評価にはAMSTAR-2評価ツールを採用した。その他のリストにある目的に関連する現在の研究は、ナレーションで客観的に分析した。

SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: To investigate the dimensional profiles of the alveolar ridge following unassisted healing, an overview of systematic reviews was conducted in February 2024 by two independent reviewers. Four electronic databases were searched in Pubmed, Embase, Web of science and Cochrane Library between 2004 and 2024 to identify all relevant systematic reviews on post-extraction healing. A further manual search of reviews was also conducted. The articles were further reviewed in full text for relevance. The AMSTAR-2 appraisal tool was adopted to assess methodological quality. Current research pertaining to other listed objectives was objectively analysed in narration.



DATA: 11 out of 459 retrieved studies were selected and ultimately covered in this review on the dimensional changes of alveolar ridge following natural healing: Seven systematic reviews and four systematic reviews with meta-analyses. The methodological quality of all included reviews was critically low.



CONCLUSION: This review thoroughly examines the healing profiles of post-extraction alveolar sockets and highlights the dynamic process with overlapping phases and the inter-individual variability in outcomes. ARP procedure is a potential strategy for facilitating prosthetic site development, while the current evidence is limited. Herein, an individualised and prosthetically driven approach is crucial. Further well sized and designed trials with novel biomaterials need to be undertaken, and the role of artificial intelligence in predicting healing and assisting clinical decision-making could be explored.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: By advancing our understanding of alveolar socket healing and its management strategies, clinicians can make more informed decisions regarding patient and site level assessment and selection, surgical techniques, and biomaterial choices, ultimately contributing to the enhanced healing process with reduced complications and improved quality of life for patients undergoing tooth extraction and dental implant treatments.