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Int Endod J.2024 Aug;57(8):1099-1109.


Effects of apical periodontitis treatment on hyperglycaemia in diabetes: A prospective cohort study.

PMID: 38581182




AIM: This prospective cohort study was undertaken to evaluate the success rate of root canal treatment (RCT) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with targeted level and unachieved targeted level of glycaemic control as well as the impact of RCT on the glucose blood level in T2DM patients.


RCTが必要な患者を3群に分けた:T2DMを発症していない患者、すなわち対照群(CG)、糖化ヘモグロビンHbA1cの目標値が7%未満の患者(TL A1c)、および目標値に達していない患者(UTL A1c)、すなわちHbA1c≧7%の患者である。RCTの前に、HbA1cとPAI(periapical index)スコアが評価され、1年後にも評価された。

METHODOLOGY: Patients needing RCT were divided into three groups: these without T2DM, that is, the control group (CG), those with targeted level of glycated haemoglobin HbA1c < 7% (TL A1c) and the third ones with unachieved targeted level (UTL A1c), that is, with HbA1c ≥ 7%. Before RCT, HbA1c and the periapical index (PAI) score were assessed, as well as 1 year later.


その結果、T2DM患者、特にUTL A1cの被験者において、X線病変の減少など、RCTの治療結果があまり好ましくないことが示された。12ヵ月後のPAIスコアのグループ間分析では、TL A1C(p=.022)とCG(p=.001)において、UTL A1cに対して有意な差が認められた。UTL A1cではRCT後12ヵ月時点の治癒歯総数(PAI≦2)がCGと比較して有意に低かった(p=.008)。逆に、UTL A1cの糖尿病患者において、RCTは治療後12ヵ月後の血糖コントロールを改善する可能性がある。回帰分析により、UTL A1c患者は歯内療法後にAPが持続する可能性が高いことが示された(OR=4.788; CI: 1.157-19.816; p=.031)。

RESULTS: Our results showed less favourable treatment results of RCT such as a reduction of radiographic lesions in T2DM patients, particularly in subjects with UTL A1c. The intergroup analysis of PAI score at the 12-month follow-up revealed a significant difference in TL A1C (p = .022) and CG (p = .001) with respect to UTL A1c. Total number of healed teeth (PAI≤2) at the 12-month after RCT in UTL A1c was significantly lower in comparison to CG (p = .008). Contrariwise, RCT may improve the glycaemic control in diabetic patients with UTL A1c after 12 months of posttreatment. Regression analysis showed that UTL A1c patients were more likely to have AP persistence after endodontic treatment (OR = 4.788; CI: 1.157-19.816; p = .031).


T2DMはAPの治癒を遅らせ、逆にAPはT2DMにおける炎症負荷の増加に寄与する。RCTはT2DMにおける累積炎症負荷を軽減し、特にUTL A1c患者における血糖コントロールの改善に寄与すると考えられる。

CONCLUSIONS: T2DM retards the AP healing and conversely AP contributes to increasing the inflammatory burden in T2DM. RCT reduces the cumulative inflammatory burden in T2DM and thus may contribute to improvement of glycaemic control particularly in patients with UTL A1c.